Tripping On Mindfulness

Written by Maya Talisman Frost

One ofrepparttar ironies of mindfulness is that it's still possible to be forgetful, klutzy, or even distracted while doing our best to pay attention. Why? We are choosing where to focus and so there are, by necessity, bits of information that aren't gettingrepparttar 123015 full laser treatment. It's simply not possible to be mindful of everything all at once.

That'srepparttar 123016 beauty of it.

You can shine your mental high beams on, say, fully connecting with every person you talk to today. While being very aware of your interactions with others, you might trip onrepparttar 123017 edge ofrepparttar 123018 carpet.

Clumsy and mindful may seem like strange bedfellows, but they are intimate nonetheless.

True story: I know a reference librarian who was inrepparttar 123019 habit of reading while walking. One day, she was walkingrepparttar 123020 two blocks to her house during her lunch break while reading a new book. She was so completely focused onrepparttar 123021 words she was reading that she tripped onrepparttar 123022 sidewalk, landing in a heap right there on Ash Street.

Fortunately, this happened in front ofrepparttar 123023 fire station, andrepparttar 123024 paramedics came to her aid immediately. Unfortunately, in addition to her badly-bruised ego, she broke not one but both arms.

The book she was reading? "Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder" You can't make up this stuff!

Mindfulness doesn't lend itself to multitasking-- especially when we need to watch where we're going. One-track mindfulness is ideal, but two tracks can work if one of them involves repetitive physical activity. Breathing, washing dishes, eating, walking, sweeping, swimming? Perfect. Tack on another--like reading--and you'll end up stumbling, too.

The "D" Word

Written by Carole Pagan

Nothing strikes fear inrepparttar hearts of people everywhere more thanrepparttar 123014 dreaded D word. Revolutionists have diluted it's power gradually overrepparttar 123015 last 50 years, insisting that we no longer need such a thing. They have created numb minded societies with no particular aspirations, and little motivation. Robot like civilizations who swarm from one great leader torepparttar 123016 next as long as they will promise to protect them fromrepparttar 123017 D word. Do whatever you want. Freedom is your right. Eat whatever you want. Watch whatever you want. Fill your mind so full with trivial nonsense that you have no room for anything else. We are an enlightened society. We are free. You no longer have to do anything you don't want to do. The D word has been so shunned that many kids don't even know what it is. They have never experienced it. Everyone is so much happier having been relieved ofrepparttar 123018 burden. Aren't we? OK. I'm going to revealrepparttar 123019 D word. But be prepared, it is ugly. No one wants to hear this. If it gets out and starts spreading, it could change your life, so be very careful...... Ready? Discipline. Are you scared? Doesn't it just rockrepparttar 123020 core of your being?

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