Triple Your Web Leads With Email Auto-Capture

Written by Dave Czach

Cary, NC - Converting a website to a direct marketing machine on steroids is easier than previously thought. However, it seems many companies still don't understandrepparttar awesome marketing power ofrepparttar 109620 internet. Thus, they are actually losing leads.

There are two things every website needs to have to triple their sales leads. First, a means to capturerepparttar 109621 visitors email address without trickery. Second, send follow-up email that offers value torepparttar 109622 visitor without a hard sell.

To avoid wasted advertising dollars, you need to set up your new infrastructure. Capturingrepparttar 109623 visitors email address is accomplished by using a simple script written in javascript. When someone visitsrepparttar 109624 website, a small "alert" box pops up (not a web page) and offers a free report or other freebie relative to your website. The visitor either clicks "OK" or "Cancel" to continue. If they click "OK," their email software is activated. Then they click "Send" to subscribe to your email list or newsletter to retreive their freebie. Now you have captured their email address for further valuable offers.

Email Appending Erodes Privacy!

Written by Mike Banks Valentine

"Psssst! Hey buddy, check dis out over heeya. If ya give me yer database of customas' offline info, I'll give you email addresses to match! Waddaya say pal? $2 per name, awright?" That's how it might go down in a dark alley in privacy advocates' nightmare, butrepparttar reality is thatrepparttar 109619 email appending industry uses bright chirpy banter and photos of clean-cut staffers to tell yourepparttar 109620 story. The following link will take you torepparttar 109621 site of a vendor who explains email appending with Sunday-school innocence.

Email appending is big business. Here's how it works. A multinational corporation wants to send out an email campaign to it's database of offline customers, say those who purchased their computer printer and filled outrepparttar 109622 warranty card and mailed it in. The problem? They don't haverepparttar 109623 email addresses of those customers. Who ya gonna call? Here, let's visit my favorite search engine, Google, and type "email appending" intorepparttar 109624 search box. Click submit.

There are results 1 - 10 of about 42,300. Search took 0.05 seconds. So much for exhaustive research. Well I suppose that if you wanted to drag things out a bit you could do a few price comparisons. The industry is huge and profitable.

So you want email addresses? Zip us an Excel spreadsheet of your customers names, addresses and phone numbers and we'll send back email addresses to match those customers with. What we won't tell you is that we are missing a good deal of that information ourselves and you'll be paying us to incorporate YOUR information into our email database. If you pay us enough, we'll even tell you about those customers lives, their taste in cars, their travel habits and their income levels. And . . . that's not all, if you can provide us with information on their computer system and software purchases, we'll throw in a free recap of their credit history -- No Charge!

DoubleClick was publicly reamed for announcing they would do this by mergingrepparttar 109625 database of a direct marketing company they acquired with their own database of email addresses andrepparttar 109626 surfing habits of online users. They were sued, they lost millions, they were vilified inrepparttar 109627 press. Hmmmm. Why don't we care that 42,300 others are doingrepparttar 109628 same thing?

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA) has introduced guidelines onrepparttar 109629 practice. A marketing industry analyst comments inrepparttar 109630 email marketing publication, "Opt-in News" editorialized onrepparttar 109631 self-serving nature ofrepparttar 109632 DMA's dance aroundrepparttar 109633 term "Opt-In" when they say:

E-mail address appending isrepparttar 109634 process of adding an individual's e-mail address to that individual's record inside a marketer's existing database. This is accomplished by matchingrepparttar 109635 marketer's database against a third party, permission-based database to produce a corresponding e-mail address. I was amazed thatrepparttar 109636 organization (Direct Marketing Association) danced around privacy issues by creating a loophole extravaganza. The document was written by marketers for marketers, culminating in a classic case of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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