Trial and Error + Persistence = Successful Marketing

Written by Diane Hughes

A few honest and successful Internet business owners will attest torepparttar fact that they have made countless marketing mistakes. Many of them will admit that they didn't get it exactly right on repparttar 121387 first try. However, practically all will tell you that - withoutrepparttar 121388 gumption to take calculated risks andrepparttar 121389 persistence to follow through - they would have never developed a truly successful online marketing campaign.

Let me encourage you to take a few calculated risks with your marketing. Extend your comfort zone, so to speak. Step out of repparttar 121390 norm and take a leap of faith every now and then.

What am I talking about? Mainly, that most small business owners are very, VERY conservative with their marketing programs. They decide to spend a little money on ezine ads, purchaserepparttar 121391 least priced classified they can find, run it one time, get no response and quit. It doesn't work that way. Not only will that strategy fail almost every time online, it will fail offline, too.

One proven principle of marketing is: repetition breads remembrance and remembrance breads sales.

You may not realize this, but it takes an average of 7 times of being exposed to your product or service beforerepparttar 121392 average consumer even notices that you exist. Not before they buy... before they even recognize you at all. Running one classified ad simply isn't going to help.

Becauserepparttar 121393 cost of advertising can get to be a bit expensive, many small business owners cringe atrepparttar 121394 thought of spending more than they *think* they can afford. However, if your current strategy isn't giving you an acceptable ROI, it's time to change.


Written by Bryan Kerrigan

Anyone who has ever succeeded in doing business onrepparttar Internet has discoveredrepparttar 121386 importance of finding their niche market. Finding your niche market means discovering which product or service to sell, and then locatingrepparttar 121387 people that are interested in buying it. While finding your niche may be difficult at first, once you've found it and established a loyal base of customers, you're definitely on your way to success.

Much ofrepparttar 121388 difficulty in finding your niche market comes from trying to find a niche that isn't already flooded with competitors. They key is to find an area that has customers ready to be served, who aren't already being served by hundreds of others.

You may think that you have to offer run-of-the-mill products to attract a decent number of customers, but that's not really true. Each person is different fromrepparttar 121389 next, and each has his or her own specific needs and interests. If you can find a need or interest that lots of people share, no matter how strange it seems, you can find your niche.

As I'm sure you're aware, there are dozens of Internet stores out there offering general merchandise, gifts, etc. Most of these stores offer good products at decent prices, sure, but they're all overrepparttar 121390 place. There are simply too many of them for a small company just starting out to find a real niche. To be successful, you have to be different enough that a ton of other people aren't sellingrepparttar 121391 same thing, but "normal" enough to find a relatively broad customer base.

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