Trends in Gift Giving – Jewelry a Timeless Favorite

Written by MJ Plaster

In times of rapid change, constants lend comfort to our lives. Since ancient times, jewelry has been one ofrepparttar most popular gifts to give and to receive, and it still ranks amongrepparttar 101281 top gifts as a universal, particularly pearls and birthstones. Jewelry ranks just beneath flowers asrepparttar 101282 gift that says "I love you," and it ranks just above flowers as a gift to convey thatrepparttar 101283 recipient is someone special. A gift of jewelry delightsrepparttar 101284 recipient and evokes a genuine smile.

It'srepparttar 101285 Style…

It's notrepparttar 101286 price; it'srepparttar 101287 style that determines whether your gift of jewelry is received inrepparttar 101288 same spirit in which it is given. To give jewelry that delights, matchrepparttar 101289 gift torepparttar 101290 recipient's style. Jewelry is one area where you cannot give a gift that you would love to own. Your idea of a fashionable bauble may be another's idea of junk. Isrepparttar 101291 intended's style casual or more formal, traditional or contemporary? You wouldn't give a Swatch watch to your great-grandmother any more than you would give a diamond tennis bracelet to your Goth niece. Select a compatible style and your gift will stand out amongrepparttar 101292 recipient's favorites and ensure thatrepparttar 101293 gift never finds its way torepparttar 101294 regifting closet.

The Many Faces of Pearls

Any woman overrepparttar 101295 age of 30 appreciates a fine strand of pearls. They're elegant, timeless, and suitable for most occasions. Think back to your favorite old movies; most leading ladies wore pearls at some point duringrepparttar 101296 movie.

Pearls arerepparttar 101297 only gemstone created within another living organism. Natural pearls are grown without any human intervention when a speck of sand or other irritant lodges itself inside an oyster. Deteriorating environmental conditions have rendered natural pearls all but obsolete.

Cultured pearls have quickly filledrepparttar 101298 void. The only difference between a natural pearl and a cultured pearl is that human intervention is required to placerepparttar 101299 irritant insiderepparttar 101300 oyster shell. By controllingrepparttar 101301 size and shape ofrepparttar 101302 irritant as well asrepparttar 101303 environmental factors, cultured pearls guarantee greater quality control. You’ll find pearls in many hues ranging from white South Sea pearls to black Tahitian pearls, and covering a lot of territory in between: pink, green, blue and ivory.

Freshwater pearls sport a combination of interesting shapes and hues not usually found in saltwater varieties. Freshwater pearls come from Chinese rivers and lakes whererepparttar 101304 Hyriopsis cumingi mussels can produce 50 pearls at once. They are usually less expensive than saltwater pearls, but no less elegant than their saltwater counterpart.

Breaking Through Uncertainty - Welcoming Adversity

Written by Jim McCormick

We all question our ability at times. Uncertainty plagues us. It is even more intense ifrepparttar ability we are questioning relates to something we have never tried or not succeeded at inrepparttar 101280 past.

Set backs are common, but we rarely welcome them. We are inclined to respond negatively to adversity. It may be time to revisit that reflexive response.

I had an experience recently that caused me to reconsider whether a negative response to adversity is always justified when I was confronted with a life-threatening situation.

It was mid-morning on a warm and pleasant Saturday. I was inrepparttar 101281 midst of my first skydive ofrepparttar 101282 day. It was my 2,123th jump since having taken uprepparttar 101283 sport fifteen years ago.

After about one minute of freefall and 5,000 aboverepparttar 101284 ground, I parted ways with my fellow jumpers to get far enough away from them to open my parachute safely. I initiated opening around 3,000 feet aboverepparttar 101285 earth.

My parachute opened with some twists inrepparttar 101286 lines betweenrepparttar 101287 parachute and me. This is not that uncommon. What was different this time was that I was not able to clearrepparttar 101288 twists.

The twists inrepparttar 101289 lines caused my parachute to take on an asymmetrical shape. Receiving asymmetrical inputs,repparttar 101290 canopy did what it is designed to do and initiated a turn -- that's how it's steered. The problem occurred whenrepparttar 101291 turn quickly became a rapid, diving downward spiral that was spinning me a full 360 degrees about once every second. This was a problem.

I looked up to assess my canopy and saw something I don't often see -repparttar 101292 horizon clearly visible ABOVErepparttar 101293 trailing edge of my canopy. This meant my canopy and I were now on roughlyrepparttar 101294 same horizontal plane. In that I could seerepparttar 101295 horizon behind it, I was actually above my parachute and it was leading our fast spinning parade rapidly towards mother earth.

My first need was to acknowledge that I was not going to be able to solve this problem. This is not as easy as it seems. Having successfully completed over 2,100 jumps without having to resort to my second parachute, it was hard for me to believe I had really encountered a problem I could not solve. I had a natural inclination to assume I could fix this problem as I had all those inrepparttar 101296 past.

Sound familiar? It's always easy to lapse into denial when confronted with a problem. Until we acknowledgerepparttar 101297 problem and our possible inability to solve it - or to userepparttar 101298 methods we have used inrepparttar 101299 past - we don't have a chance of making things better.

Fortunately,repparttar 101300 urgency of this situation caused my hard-headed nature to yield much quicker than usual. That decision probably took a second or two. The next step, having acceptedrepparttar 101301 need to follow a different course than inrepparttar 101302 past, was to determinerepparttar 101303 course. Fortunately fifteen years of training and practice before every day of jumping took hold.

I looked straight down atrepparttar 101304 two handles on either side of my chest - one to release me from my malfunctioning canopy and one for deploying my reserve parachute - and realized I needed to quickly get them in my hands. I could not help but notice when I made eye contact with them, as had been ingrained in me during my First Jump Course way back in 1988, that by nowrepparttar 101305 rapid spins had turned me back to earth and there beyond my toes was once againrepparttar 101306 horizon. This was bad!

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