Treatment for Acne Scars

Written by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Acne can be very mild, resulting in a few lone blemishes, or it can be severe when it occurs onrepparttar face, neck, shoulders, chest, and back. Pustules and deeper cysts occur with very severe acne and scarring may result ifrepparttar 135045 condition is not cared for properly. These scars may be visible for a lifetime. Here’s what your can do to prevent these scars from forming, and treat them if they do develop.

Preventing Acne Scars Never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead torepparttar 135046 spread of acne andrepparttar 135047 development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of treatment methods that can be used to care for acne and preventrepparttar 135048 development of scars. Herbs such as chamomile, lavender, juniper, bergamot, dandelion root, Echinacea, poke root, witch hazel, and burdock root can be used to reduce toxicity, improverepparttar 135049 skin’s condition and treat acne. Vitamin supplements can also be helpful as vitamins A, C, E and B6 are vital for healthy skin. Also, avoid exposing your skin torepparttar 135050 sun’s rays. Initially, sun exposure may dry out an acne blemish, but over time, unprotected sun exposure can damagerepparttar 135051 skin and further aggravate problem acne.

Types of Acne Scars Medical professionals have developed a acne scarring classification system that aids inrepparttar 135052 diagnosis and treatment of many acne scars. Scars may be classified as ice pick, boxcar, or rolling.

Acne Scars – Ice pick As their name implies, ice pick acne scars are thin, sharp scars. The skin looks as though it has been sliced with an ice pick. These scars are narrow, but deep, extending intorepparttar 135053 deep dermis or subcutaneous layer. Acne Scars - Boxcar Unlike ice pick scars, boxcar scars do not taper to a point. Instead, they are round pits that have sharp vertical edges. Skin resurfacing techniques such as dermabrasion or laser resurfacing may be used to treat shallow boxcar scars. Deeper scars require full-thickness treatment techniques. Acne Scars - Rolling Rolling scars appear to have a rolling or undulating texture. They arerepparttar 135054 result of folds inrepparttar 135055 skin torepparttar 135056 subcutaneous tissue below. Rolling scars must be treated by breaking uprepparttar 135057 fibrous bands that are causingrepparttar 135058 skin to fold or roll. Subcutaneous incision isrepparttar 135059 method most commonly used to treat this condition.

Acne Scar Treatment

Dermal Fillers Dermal fillers such as fat, collagen, hyaluronic acid derivatives, and polytheyl-methacrylate microspheres with collagen can be injected into acne scars to raiserepparttar 135060 surface ofrepparttar 135061 skin and give a smoother look. The injection of dermal fillers does not permanently correct acne scars. The results are temporary, so further injections are necessary.

Serious Skin Care: Beyond the Basics of Soap

Written by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, Ph.D, ND, DACBN

Skin care means different things to different people. Some consider merely washing their face on a daily basis to be a good skin care routine. Others would not leaverepparttar house without cleansing, toning, moisturizing, applying sun block, and concealing blemishes. For those of you who are ready to move beyondrepparttar 135044 basics of soap, this article is for you. Read on to learn more about serious skin care, serious skin care products, and what you can do to solve serious skin care dilemmas.

Serious Skin Care Routines Serious skin care doesn’t mean that you have to spend endless hours inrepparttar 135045 bathroom. It means takingrepparttar 135046 time to look at your skin and what products and techniques can keep it looking and feeling great. Here’s a serious skin care routine that can be completed in minutes:

1.Clean Up: Soap may be great forrepparttar 135047 rest of your body, but many dermatologists agree that it can be too drying for evenrepparttar 135048 heartiest facial skin. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to find a natural facial cleansing gel or face wash that is specially suited to your skin type. Wash your face twice a day with warm purified water and a facial cleanser to remove any perspiration, pollutants, and debris that may accumulate there. 2.Get Toned: If you have dry, sensitive or combination skin, your skin may be irritated byrepparttar 135049 drying ingredients like alcohol and acetone found in most skin toners. Skip this step if you have a problem with irritation. However, if you have oil or combination skin, you face will likely benefit fromrepparttar 135050 extra cleansing and pH restoration of a alcohol and acetone free skin toner. 3.For Your Eyes Only: Eye cream can do wonders to improverepparttar 135051 condition ofrepparttar 135052 delicate skin around your eyes. It can also help imperfections such as dark circles and bags, and it can minimizerepparttar 135053 appearance of fine lines. A good all in one natural eye and facial cream is “Parfait Visage”. 4.Use Protection: Serious skin care means not only washing, but also protecting your skin from potential damage. Moisturizers and sun block provide good skin protection. Moisturizers hydrate your skin and help to keep dust, debris, and environmental pollutants out of your pores. Sun block protects your face fromrepparttar 135054 sun’s damaging rays. Ultraviolet radiation can lead to damage such as wrinkles, age spots, freckles, moles, rough spots, and even cancer. To save time, use a moisturizer that contains sunscreen with at least an SPF 15.

Serious Skin Care Solutions Even with a flawless skin care routine, you are likely to encounter blemishes and other skin care dilemmas.

Acne: Acne is term for a skin condition that includes pimples, blemishes, whiteheads, blackheads, and cysts. The most important rule to remember if you develop acne is that you should never pick or squeeze acne blemishes. This can lead torepparttar 135055 spread of acne andrepparttar 135056 development of acne scars. Instead, there are a number of herbal, homeopathic, and traditional preparations that can be used to treat this condition. For more information on natural acne remedies visit

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