Treating Adult Onset Acne With Anti-aging Moisturizers

Written by Paul Resnick

The development of anti-aging alpha hydroxy acid moisturizers is promising a new approach for adult onset female acne. To date thousands of women nationwide have successfully usedrepparttar anti-aging acne treatment from Niora®, Alpha Clear®. Their experience with this moisturizing cleanser is compelling evidence that softeningrepparttar 137034 skin and reducing wrinkles with alpha hydroxy acids can be an effective treatment for this persistent skin condition.

Niora® recognized over a decade agorepparttar 137035 relationship between acne and anti-aging and has compiled thousands of testimonials, and completed two studies on Alpha Clear. The connection between anti-aging and acne first became apparent inrepparttar 137036 1970's when two Dermatologists, Dr. Eugene Van Scott, and Dr. Albert Klingman begin investigating vitamin A as an alternative to benzoyl peroxide forrepparttar 137037 treatment of acne. The basis of most over-the-counter acne remedies such as Proactive, Clearasil and others, benzoyl peroxide has limited effectiveness and can be drying torepparttar 137038 skin.

Dr Klingman eventually developed Retin A, a derivative of vitamin A, and Dr. Van Scott began working withrepparttar 137039 structurally similar Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs). Neither of these researchers attracted much attention until it was noted that women using these substances for acne were experiencing a reduction in skin wrinkling. Retin A and AHAs quickly became most widely used anti-aging skin care ingredients inrepparttar 137040 world. One ofrepparttar 137041 first to incorporate AHAs into anti-aging skin care, Niora® had already achieved acclaim for it's anti-aging moisturizers. By 1993 Niora® was receiving many testimonials from women who realized Niora® skin care was clearing up their acne.

Play It Safe This Month and Beyond

Written by G. Neil Corp.

Seems like there’s a month for everything these days. January was National Mentoring Month. February was Children’s Dental Health Month and National Novel Writing Month started on March 1st.

Some might think it is a bit much. But there is one monthly observance that employers should take a particular interest in: National Safety Month, which begins in June. This year’s theme will be "Safety: Where We Live, Work and Play."

Consider some examples of what can happen when safety awareness is compromised:

An employee tripped over a group of boxes stored inrepparttar office walkways, causing her to fall and hit her head onrepparttar 137033 edge of a desk. The employee was left with a severe concussion. Obviously, ifrepparttar 137034 boxes had simply been moved out of harm’s way,repparttar 137035 employee probably would have never fallen and been seriously injured.¹

While trying to make electrical repairs to a courthouse, an engineer was suddenly electrocuted. If he had only been careful enough to lock out a circuit before performingrepparttar 137036 repairs, he may had avoidedrepparttar 137037 shock.¹

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