Treasure Your Family Memories: Inspiration in Unexpected Places

Written by Christine Sutton

A Saturday morning expedition withrepparttar kids brought me an unexpected surprise. Certainly I had some expectations of our outing torepparttar 110766 "Healthy Kids Day" atrepparttar 110767 local YMCA. Mildly entertained children, yes. Gentle reminders to make healthier choices, yes. But newfound inspiration to help others (and ourselves) preserve precious photographs? That I wasn't expecting!

It happened during a conversation with a firefighter. I was impressed by this humble man fromrepparttar 110768 start. Not by his appearance or by his communication skills, but by his simple willingness to serve. In his role as a firefighter, he has missed out on many family gatherings and holiday celebrations. He is just one of many caring individuals who generously volunteer their time to protect our small towns.

Then he said something that really amazed me. He recalled a recent fire, and he described how he went intorepparttar 110769 lower portion ofrepparttar 110770 house and began taking all ofrepparttar 110771 family photos off ofrepparttar 110772 walls. He carefully stacked them all on a bed and wrapped them up in a blanket to protect them from smoke and water. It goes without saying thatrepparttar 110773 family was extremely grateful and also surprised byrepparttar 110774 man's compassionate actions. In explaining his actions,repparttar 110775 firefighter went on to sayrepparttar 110776 words that we have all heard countless times, "Those things can't be replaced." He said that he's been throughrepparttar 110777 pain of losing a father and losing a son, and aside fromrepparttar 110778 people in his life, nothing is more valuable thanrepparttar 110779 photographs!

Take an Education Vacation!

Written by Anita DeFrank

Choose one day out of each month and invite your entire family on an "Education Vacation". Invent games that can be not only fun but also educational atrepparttar same time. Your children will be having so much fun that they won't even realize that they're learning too! The following are a few exampls of activities that you can use or adapt to fit your family.

--->Theater Day Go to you local library and borrow several copies of a favorite or fun play. Assign each member a part and act it out inrepparttar 110765 living room! Younger children make an excellent audience. Alternate idea: Write your own play together.

--->Bring The Whole World Home Day Make a list of allrepparttar 110766 countries inrepparttar 110767 world (or just pick a few) and include a short description of each. Take turns reading each country and description out loud. Next take turns choosing a country from a map or globe. The rest ofrepparttar 110768 family tries to guess which one by asking questions.

--->Time Table Day The night before have your family discuss everything that must be donerepparttar 110769 next day. Be sure to include some fun things to do also. Haverepparttar 110770 children design a time table to schedulerepparttar 110771 days activities. Make it a game to see how "close" you can stick torepparttar 110772 schedule.

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