Traveling with Babies & Toddlers

Written by Sarah Delaporte

You may be surprised at how often babies will sleep to & fromrepparttar destination. Be sure to have their favorite stuffed animal ready & blanket forrepparttar 134176 trip (also a pacifier & bottle ifrepparttar 134177 child is young enough). For babies & toddlers, bring along cassette tapes filled with stories & music that is age appropriate. You can sing along to help entertain them.

Other items that you will want to take with you are :

A foldable playpen

An age appropriate car seat

A diaper bag

Something to keeprepparttar 134178 sun out ofrepparttar 134179 child抯 eyes

For children ages 1 ? years, bring items to play with. Such items can include: scotch tape, window clings, books, coloring books, crayons, a couple plush animals & finger food.

Be sure to bring out toy at a time. When you get out one toy, putrepparttar 134180 others away. This wayrepparttar 134181 items stay new. Switch toys every 10 ?5 minutes (longer ifrepparttar 134182 child is older). This keepsrepparttar 134183 toys & books new and exciting. You will want to have at least 12 toys. 12 toys is appropriate for a trip of 12 hours or less. To be onrepparttar 134184 safe side add a couple extra or buy a few at stops onrepparttar 134185 way there. This will allow you to rotate for two hours without having anything boring. You will not need a ton of toys for under a year old, as they will sleep most ofrepparttar 134186 way there (at least hopefully ?if you child isn抰 prone to sleeping inrepparttar 134187 car ?you will have to improvise).

You will want someone next torepparttar 134188 young child at all times to make sure they stay happy duringrepparttar 134189 entire trip. It can be upsetting torepparttar 134190 driver ifrepparttar 134191 baby is constantly crying.

For those crying fits: First try

Passport Not Required

Written by Kimberly A. Griffiths

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Regardless if you travel domestically or internationally,repparttar 134176 Elderhostel promises “educational excellence, comfortable accommodations and delicious meals, extraordinary value, and warm camaraderie of fellow Elderhostelers.”

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