Travel Wallet Checklist

Written by William Manor

A travel wallet can be pretty handy when you´re onrepparttar move, especially on international trips. It keeps all your travel documents and currency in one place for easy access. Following is a checklist of items you may want to keep in your travel wallet.
  • Passport
  • Photo ID
  • Airline, Cruise and Train Tickets


Written by Ruth Lutnick

You, your husband and two children, ages 10 and 13 are going on a long-anticipated—by you—trip to London and Paris. You and your husband have been there before and loved it so much that you simply must show your children those famous places and mind-opening culture palaces.

Your children are not so thrilled. In fact,repparttar 13-year-old, a girl, has asked if she could stay with her best friend while you and her whiny younger brother go to Europe without her.

How do you turnrepparttar 133935 scenario around? How do you detoxifyrepparttar 133936 inevitable, “Are we there yet?” Here are ten ways to go.

#1 Get them intorepparttar 133937 mood ofrepparttar 133938 place in advance. Watch movies or read books set in that particular country or city. This will involve them inrepparttar 133939 places on an emotional level, and they'll be really keen to actually go to “where it happened.” Many of these media offerings are about kids, and that's always an interest builder. Some of these stories showrepparttar 133940 kids asrepparttar 133941 brave,repparttar 133942 bold and adventurous ones, whilerepparttar 133943 adults in charge need their help. Nothing like being more in control of a situation thanrepparttar 133944 grownups to whet your appetite for travel.

#2 Find places that are intriguing, not-well-known and “kid-friendly” to visit. As a former kid, I'm sure you remember how PAINFUL “seeing” something can be. Plan to go to places where you will be “doing” something. Active places win hands down with kids. If you do go to a “seeing” place, plan an activity, such as a scavenger hunt, to transform it into a “doing” place. Imaginerepparttar 133945 fun you can have at spots such asrepparttar 133946 perfume museum in Paris, Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, or atrepparttar 133947 City of London museum sound and light show depictingrepparttar 133948 famous fire that destroyed London!

#3 Plan shopping trips that your kids will enjoy and have them save up for special stuff they like, or give them allowances. Allow equal time for each inrepparttar 133949 shop of his/her choice. Getting stuff is always a blast, and showingrepparttar 133950 stuff off to friends gives them bragging rights as well!

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