Travel Journey to Nepal

Written by Dil Pahari.

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Walt Disney Knew How To Get The Word Out

Written by Stephen Schochet

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Walt Disney Knew How To Get The Word Out By Stephen Schochet COPYRIGHT: ©2004 by Hollywood Stories. All rights reserved

You need to getrepparttar 100841 word out about your products but your economic resources are limited. That was oftenrepparttar 100842 dilemma that faced Walt Disney. Often burdened with heavy debt, he found many creative ways to letrepparttar 100843 public in on what he was doing. His innovative marketing ideas could be used by businesses seeking publicity today.

1) Capitalize on current events: In 1930 Walt felt that Mickey Mouse who was constantly surrounded by barnyard animals should get a dog. He vividly described to his artists a funny mutt that his family kept on their farm when he grew up in Marceline Missouri, torepparttar 100844 point of getting down on all fours, sniffing around and making barking noises. Animator Norman Ferguson transformed Walt's great acting performance into a cartoon canine named Rover . . . for five months. Then Disney read that an amateur astronomer named Clyde Tombaugh had discovered a ninth planet in our solar system called Pluto and Walt cashed in onrepparttar 100845 resulting publicity by giving Mickey's pet a new name.

2) Get your employees behind your product: Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs (1937) took three long years to complete and Walt suffered through many doubts aboutrepparttar 100846 film's marketing direction. He worried whenrepparttar 100847 press called it "Disney's Folly" , then realized it was good to have people talk about it. He rejected a salesman's idea that he should eliminaterepparttar 100848 dwarfs fromrepparttar 100849 advertising, pushingrepparttar 100850 love story between Snow White andrepparttar 100851 Prince instead. But throughoutrepparttar 100852 stressful production his cartoonists stayed loyal and enthusiastic, often using their free time to run around Los Angeles to tack up advertising posters. Snow White was a world wide success but perhapsrepparttar 100853 artists got a little too excited. Afterrepparttar 100854 money rolled in Walt threw his animators a party in gratitude. He later regretted it when his some ofrepparttar 100855 more bohemian members of his staff choserepparttar 100856 occasion to let their hair down, andrepparttar 100857 family event turned into a wild orgy. Any rift thatrepparttar 100858 outrageous behavior caused withrepparttar 100859 boss was forgotten by 1953 when many of his employees came to Walt's aid to financially back Disneyland.

3) Embrace new technology: In 1927 Walt made two Mickey Mouse cartoons that were rejected by distributors. Then sound was ushered intorepparttar 100860 movie business with Warner Bros. The Jazz Singer. Fearful silent film stars began consulting astrologists to predictrepparttar 100861 future, but most movie moguls shrugged off actors talking as a fad. Movies without dialogue sold throughoutrepparttar 100862 world, who wanted to rockrepparttar 100863 boat? The unknown Walt Disney seizedrepparttar 100864 opportunity, and with great difficulty added synchronized sound torepparttar 100865 third Mickey Mouse cartoon, Steamboat Willie (1928) which resulted inrepparttar 100866 rodent becoming a national craze. Later history repeated itself inrepparttar 100867 early 50's when most ofrepparttar 100868 moguls rejectedrepparttar 100869 idea of television. Walt embracedrepparttar 100870 new medium as a way to keeprepparttar 100871 public informed about what his studio was doing.

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