Transparent Images for the Web and Print

Written by Granny's Mettle

For transparent images that you have extracted from your photos,repparttar next step is to choose where you’re going to post them. There are several options: you could either postrepparttar 119602 images onrepparttar 119603 Web for your website, on a page layout application, or on a presentation program.

Your image torepparttar 119604 Web. If your image is going to be posted onrepparttar 119605 web, it should be in GIF, PNG or “Fake Transparency” with JPEG.

GIF isrepparttar 119606 original format with transparency support forrepparttar 119607 web. A disadvantage when using GIF is thatrepparttar 119608 image can have color shifts, posterization and distortion, particularly on those with high color densities. In addition, GIF only supports 1-bit transparency. This would be a problem for images with partial transparency because each pixel is either completely transparent or not. Enhancements like smooth drop shadows that fade away gradually may not be feasible.

PNG, onrepparttar 119609 other hand, is developed as an answer torepparttar 119610 limitations of GIF. It allows high color and partial transparency withrepparttar 119611 use of alpha channels. However,repparttar 119612 downside to this application is that there are still many browsers being used today that do not support PNG.

“Fake Transparency” with JPEG works whererepparttar 119613 area ofrepparttar 119614 image, which you have chosen to be transparent are filled withrepparttar 119615 same background color or texture asrepparttar 119616 web page. Many designers use this especially when image is placed on a colored background where alignment is feasible. Your image to a page layout application. Applications like InDesign, QuarkXpress, or Pagemaker are often used for page layouts. You have three applications to choose from:

Small Business Pricing Strategies

Written by Sharron Senter

It's tough out there, particularly because of layoffs and our sluggish economy. So what's a small business entrepreneur trying to make a living to do? Try these low-cost pricing strategies to keep sales moving. TACTIC #1 -- Never simply slash your prices, unless you're trying to empty obsolete inventory. Instead, try repackaging your prices so they're more affordable inrepparttar short-run so more prospects can afford them. For example, rather than pricing your service forrepparttar 119601 year, "Our monthly newsletter is only $39 forrepparttar 119602 year." Instead, try "Our monthly newsletter is only $3.25 per month." If you accept credit cards, it's very easy to set up reoccurring monthly charges that are billed to your subscribers without having to intervene every month beyondrepparttar 119603 initial account set up. The upside to offering your subscription on a monthly basis is that you can now market a $3.25 headline versus a more expensive $39 headline, i.e. you're able to offer services at a more affordable rate without slashing prices. ANOTHER EXAMPLE Here's another example. Just last night I was onrepparttar 119604 phone with a potential marketing client. As a small business owner she's trying to get some marketing help and is on a tight budget. My standard hourly consulting fee is $225, which is not always appealing to some businesses. However, in trying to work within her budget I suggested that my services could be more affordable for her if she allowed me to help her through email instead of face-to-face or onrepparttar 119605 phone. Let's face it, when you're onrepparttar 119606 phone with a client it takes longer to accomplish what you're doing since you're not only answering their questions, but you're building a relationship and talking about unrelated topics. It's difficult not to. In fact, you should! No matter what type of consultant you are, building a successful business is not aboutrepparttar 119607 initial sale, it's about establishing a long-term relationship with customers. One-off sales don't lend themselves to growing a profitable business; rather, deep customer relationships do! However, since I was able to establish a trustworthy and comfortable relationship with my prospect onrepparttar 119608 phone, she thought my marketing services through email would be a win-win. Did I slash my prices? No, instead I found a more efficient way to offer my services, whereby I could offer them in less time and therefore, my client will pay less money. This strategy could work for business coaches, fitness experts or personal chefs, whenrepparttar 119609 latter prepares meals in her home rather than in a client's home.

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