
Written by Dr. Dorree Lynn


Passage from one stage, place, stage, or subject to another—so statesrepparttar dictionary definition—words that describe movement, but that say nothing of substance andrepparttar 126324 depth of human feeling. Nothing of nights spent tossing and turning, when craving sleep we lie awake, fighting our personal demons and feelings of failure. Or, terror resulting in knotted stomachs, shallow breathing, andrepparttar 126325 desire to remain in our comfort zone or to run far away. Neither does it tell of moments of quiet contemplation, contentment, and joy, feelings of accomplishment, even ecstasy andrepparttar 126326 delight change can offer. Transitions, be they small or large are rarely finite. With revisionist minds, we place timeframes aroundrepparttar 126327 experience. Perhaps we use a ritual such as a birth, wedding, illness, death, birthday, graduation, or a new newspaper editor to define these significant phases. I think, these transitions, life's ever in process changes, most often have ragged edges that bleed beyond our neatly bound boxes, starting before we are aware and morphing intorepparttar 126328 next process we call change.

Sometimes change is thrust upon us. Sometimes, it is cultivated by choice. But, almost always, it requires courage. Courage, I think, necessitates acceptingrepparttar 126329 journey as a challenging adventure that will pull some new knowledge, fresh wonderment, or innovative direction from us. We human beings, such creatures of habit, so rarely stay put. Much asrepparttar 126330 boomerang in Kubric's 2001 was tossed intorepparttar 126331 beyond; we too, often fling ourselves intorepparttar 126332 unknown.

As I age, I often think these kinds of thoughts. “Aging is no accident. It is necessary torepparttar 126333 human condition, intended byrepparttar 126334 soul. I think, perhaps to learn more aboutrepparttar 126335 integration of character and about love andrepparttar 126336 essence of relationships. Eros, of Greek mythology, wasrepparttar 126337 youngest ofrepparttar 126338 gods, but alsorepparttar 126339 eldest. Love (and sex) fromrepparttar 126340 ancient point of view, a view that I agree with, is ever changing requiring new learning every step ofrepparttar 126341 way.

What Do We Tell Our Children?

Written by Dr. Dorree Lynn

What Do We Tell Our Children? or Little Pitchers Have Big Ears

Inrepparttar last few days, be it on a TV interview, a call in program, at a meeting or a consultation, people ask variations ofrepparttar 126323 following questions. “What do we tell our children aboutrepparttar 126324 bombing? Shall we keep it a secret? Shall we wait withrepparttar 126325 little ones until they ask? After all they don’t knowrepparttar 126326 difference, anyway.” They say. “At what age can they comprehend what has happened? Won’t it scare them to talk to them?”

Adults often forget that children have ears. They makerepparttar 126327 mistake of believing that if a child isn’t told about an event, he or she won’t know what you don’t want him or her to know. Remember your own youth. Didn’t you learn almost everything your parents didn’t want you to? Children pick up secrets like sponges. And, if you don’t tell them your version, they will fill inrepparttar 126328 blanks with mixed-up stories of their own.

Very young children don’t knowrepparttar 126329 difference between reality and fantasy. One burning building looks like another, one they have seen inrepparttar 126330 movies or on television or even a cartoon. But, depending upon how it is presented to them, children of about three can begin to differentiate fact from fiction.

During a crisis such asrepparttar 126331 one we are undergoing, be it war or a terrorist situation,repparttar 126332 most important thing an adult can do is to tell simple truths calmly. I don’t care if you have to go torepparttar 126333 bathroom and throw up because you are so upset. Remain calm and steady with your young children (and instruct their teachers to dorepparttar 126334 same). If your children feel safe with you, they will have a much better chance of managing to decipherrepparttar 126335 mélange of facts and images bombarding them. It is a mistake to try to hide what is happening from any child that asks about an event or what they see on television or hear at school or inrepparttar 126336 street. Overrepparttar 126337 age of three, something must be said, even if they don’t ask.

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