Transforming Disgruntled Customers into Your Biggest Advocates

Written by Stephen Munday

“I am writing to complain aboutrepparttar widget I bought from your siterepparttar 108645 other day.”

Sell anything and eventually you will be onrepparttar 108646 receiving end of a sentence like this. So how do you turn a disgruntled customer not just into a satisfied one, but – even better - into a powerful advocate for your business?

1. Don’t get angry, don’t act hurt

Reactions are initially emotional. Particularly if you are in a small company or you arerepparttar 108647 owner ofrepparttar 108648 business, you may take a complaint as criticism – a personal attack.

What do humans do when attacked? We want to fight back and justify ourselves. We become angry and act hurt. But this isrepparttar 108649 last thing you want to do when interacting with your customers – however difficult they may be sometimes.

So prepare yourself in advance: Read this article and you will know how to turn these situations around, so make a decision right now to receive any negative customer feedback in a positive way. As my mother would say: “Engage brain!”

2. Saverepparttar 108650 sale

Got your feelings under control? Good. Now you are ready to secure your primary objective – savingrepparttar 108651 sale.

Remember: this is a person who has already bought from you. The vast majority of visitors to your site don’t even do that, so justrepparttar 108652 fact that this person has already made a purchase makes them an instant VIP and their business worth fighting for.

How do you it?

1. Prioritize – Remember this sale is a bird inrepparttar 108653 hand. Yes, enquiries from potential customers are important, but remember you already have this person’s money inrepparttar 108654 bank. Not potential money – cold hard cash! So first prioritizerepparttar 108655 disgruntled customer with a speedy response.

2. Be respectful – Remember not to get riled. A polite, calm attitude will go a long way to takingrepparttar 108656 heat out ofrepparttar 108657 rhetoric.

3. Be informative – Reply thoroughly to every point that has been made and add any other information you think could be useful. Misunderstanding or a lack of knowledge rather than a problem withrepparttar 108658 product itself is oftenrepparttar 108659 real issue. Part of being informative is also going out of your way to remindrepparttar 108660 customer about his or her right to return or replacerepparttar 108661 product under your (generous) full satisfaction guarantee. Being up front and positive about this will go a long way to diffuse any concernrepparttar 108662 customer may have about having to wrestlerepparttar 108663 money out of your hands at some point inrepparttar 108664 future.

Applyrepparttar 108665 above methods andrepparttar 108666 chances of securingrepparttar 108667 sale will increase tremendously.

But remember that even if you do loserepparttar 108668 sale, your positive approach may well have savedrepparttar 108669 customer: Part company on good terms and you retainrepparttar 108670 potential for future sales and have at least neutralized a lot of negative word-of-mouth publicity.

3. Sell more!

Now this might sound crazy, but a disgruntled customer is actually a sales opportunity in disguise. Just think about it for a moment: Perhaps they are unhappy because they did not get what they wanted from their initial purchase.

The WRONG Way To WRITE Articles

Written by Steve Shaw

Copyright 2005 Steve Shaw

As you no doubt already know, writing articles is probablyrepparttar most effective way to promote your web site. It's a very simple principle - publishers want a vast quantity of good quality content that they do not have to pay for; you provide that content, withrepparttar 108644 proviso that atrepparttar 108645 bottom of your article, they include your resource box with a link to your web site. It's a win-win situation. With your article published on heaps of web sites, and in several ezines, it's enough to set your traffic counter spinning.

However, I see many articles that are simply not written in a way that will maximizerepparttar 108646 benefits forrepparttar 108647 author. Minor mistakes can turn an article that would otherwise get published several times and achieve a great deal forrepparttar 108648 author, into an article that is barely published and discarded by most publishers intorepparttar 108649 trash.

By avoiding these common mistakes, your article will appeal much more to publishers, and you will seerepparttar 108650 results from your article submissions vastly improve:

1. Do Not Write A Solo Ad

Many authors makerepparttar 108651 mistake of submitting articles that are actually little more than solo advertisements for their web sites. Containing little helpful information, they read like a sales letter and then urgerepparttar 108652 reader to visit their web site - and that's before you get torepparttar 108653 resource box.

The chances of such an article getting published are virtually zero. Publishers are looking for an informative article, a quality piece that they can publish in order to benefit their readership and their visitors.

This means that including a link to your own web site inrepparttar 108654 article body is generally a no-no, unless for example, you are linking to a helpful article that adds further torepparttar 108655 information you have included and is in context.

Your article should not read like a promotional vehicle for a particular product or service.

2. Do Not Include Affiliate Links

The site of an affiliate link within your article is a big turn-off for publishers - unless your article is highly informative and of an extremely high quality, but that is quite rare.

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