Transform Your Image And Accelerate Your Success

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Being a lifelong student, I am regularly attending seminars etc. to becomerepparttar best I can be in all areas of my life.

Inrepparttar 103711 past year I have undertaken an Image and Brand Management Program with Image Group International andrepparttar 103712 knowledge I have gained and applied has affected so many areas of my life and my business.

Being a 'holistic' program it has encompassed topics like branding, colour psychology, personal image, inner image, communication and so much more.

In this article I'm going to focus on personal image and how it affects your results.

Do You Dress For Success? Being an avid networker, I get to meet many people and am constantly astounded byrepparttar 103713 wayrepparttar 103714 majority present themselves.

I met a ''coach' who raved about how successful they are and what they do for their clients. This person was at least 10kgs overweight, her chest was exposed and her clothes were very inappropriate for a business environment. If you were looking for a coach, would you consider investing in her services? She obviously had her own issues to deal with. What she said didn't match how she looked.

The accountant who called himself a 'wealth strategist'…he had a beard, looked very unhealthy and was wearing a tweed jacket….what impression did he make? None. He appeared scruffy and obviously didn't take care of himself. How could he take care of other people's affairs?

In contrast to these people,repparttar 103715 mortgage broker who was dressed extremely well in a tailored suit ,who obviously took pride in her appearance and looked confident and competent. If you were interested in borrowing money would you consider utilising her services? Of course you would. She gaverepparttar 103716 impression that she knows what she's doing. Byrepparttar 103717 way, whether she is competent or not you'll only find that out if you do business with her. However if she cares about herself, chances are she cares about her clients and provides a good service.

Perception is Reality Would you prefer to do business with someone who looks confident and credible? Whether we like it or not people will pass judgement on you within a few seconds of meeting you. They will make assumptions about you personally and your organisation.

Would I Do Business With You? Think about it, what opinion would you form about a person who looked old fashioned, dressed in ill - fitting clothes and wore heaps of make-up? You'd probably think their ideas were old fashioned to match their image. And that also gives an impression ofrepparttar 103718 organisation they represent.

What aboutrepparttar 103719 50 year old lady I met who runs conferences and turned up in high-heeled shoes, short skirt, long hair and big dangly earrings?

So You Think You're Hopeless With Figures?

Written by Kenneth Williams

"It's no good! I'm just *hopeless* with figures!"

If you've ever said that to yourself then don't worry - you're not alone.

Many people believe themselves to be math phobic or "numerically challenged". Howeverrepparttar fact is they are probably not hopeless at all...

Most likely they had an unfortunate incident in their past. Perhaps they missed some crucial lessons in school and never caught up. Or maybe they suffered a humiliating experience inrepparttar 103710 math class.

Whateverrepparttar 103711 reasons, math 'difficulties' can be overcome with a little determination and by looking atrepparttar 103712 subject in a different way.

Here are 5 ways to get over your numbers 'block' and start turning figures into friends:

1 - Give Them A Chance!

Begin to look carefully at figures instead of just 'switching off' when they come into view.

Next time you get a receipt atrepparttar 103713 restaurant or for goods you've bought, take a good look at it. There may be some numbers that don't mean anything but others will make sense.

So as a first step: don't ignore numbers. They can give you a lot of useful information if you'll just give yourself a chance to absorb what they are saying.

2 - Don't Lose Them, Use Them!

Begin to use numbers more in your daily life.

- Start checking your change inrepparttar 103714 shop

- Check your bills too.

- Study your bank statement carefully

If you get confused, don't worry, it happens to everyone. (Some bills seem to be designed to confuse!)

Just take in what you can and leaverepparttar 103715 rest.

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