Training Your Dog

Written by Amy Howells

Training your dog can be time consuming and frustrating at times, but it's well worth it. Here are several tips that should help things go much smoother and faster... plus reducerepparttar frustration both you and your dog feel!

Conduct "play training" where byrepparttar 100512 training tasks are made into fun games and your dog's play drive is used as motivation. There are a lot of really good books available on this type of training.

Intelligent dogs can also be stubborn, so you may have to outwit them! While training your dog, you have to make him want to do what you want him to. You can't make him do stuff unless it is fun. Otherwise you are wasting both your time and his.

Try to make your dog's training so fun that it becomes his or her favorite activity. This will make learning much easier and more enjoyable.

Most dogs love to play! You can make your dogrepparttar 100513 happiest just by spending some time with them, giving your undivided attention each day. Without this, your dog will feel ignored, bored, or think they're in trouble. When this happens they're more likely to chew, tear things up, and not listen to you.

Here are some tried and true tactics you can use to make your dogs listen to you more:

When playing with your puppy, play at his level. If play is encouraged at ground level, this builds your role asrepparttar 100514 dominant, or "top dog", when you are standing and training your puppy. Ifrepparttar 100515 puppy is allowed to jump up and initiate play, then this can lead to unwanted jumping up as your dog gets older.

Fromrepparttar 100516 very beginning, make sure your dogs know you arerepparttar 100517 master. This is usually accomplished with simple tasks such as teachingrepparttar 100518 dog to raise it's paw for a handshake; kissing your hand; or rolling over on command to show submission.

There is no need for extreme measures to prove you arerepparttar 100519 boss. Obedience training should be both fun and rewarding for you and your dog.

Make sure your dog always eats after you do. This is one ofrepparttar 100520 easiest ways to show your dog who isrepparttar 100521 boss. This is especially important if you share your food with your dog, because if you let them eat while you are, they could developrepparttar 100522 habit of taking food right off your - or someone else's - plate. You may need to train your family to follow this rule too... and that could be harder than trainingrepparttar 100523 dog ;)

Staying Mosquito Free While Traveling

Written by Sarah Yee

The last thing that any traveler needs is to be plagued by mosquitoes throughout their journey. Just as there are sure-fire ways to reducerepparttar incidence of these pests inrepparttar 100492 home environment, definite steps can be taken to stave them off when you’re away fromrepparttar 100493 home front. This is especially important in a society that’s been afflicted byrepparttar 100494 variety of diseases that are commonly carried amongrepparttar 100495 mosquito population.

Just as that which is red is known to enrage and attract a bull, dark clothing will invite mosquitoes. Avoidrepparttar 100496 tendency to wear garments that are darker in color or shade, if you’re interested in keeping mosquitoes at bay. In addition, scents such as colognes, perfumes and after-shave also provide an invitation to these pesky insects.

Air-Conditioned environments are not conducive to providingrepparttar 100497 type of scenario that mosquitoes prefer. Whenever possible, stay indoors in a climate-controlled area so that you’ll removerepparttar 100498 possibility of mosquitoes becoming a nuisance. You may still findrepparttar 100499 occasional errant mosquito, but will typically be safe inrepparttar 100500 air-conditioning. This is true for bothrepparttar 100501 daytime and nighttime hours.

If at all possible, try to avoid participating in outdoor activities at night. Afterrepparttar 100502 sun goes down,repparttar 100503 atmosphere is ripe with mosquitoes, andrepparttar 100504 possibility of being bitten is increased significantly – especially if there happens to be a body of exposed water nearby, since this is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Whenrepparttar 100505 need to go outdoors inrepparttar 100506 evening can’t be avoided, be sure to wear appropriate clothing that will discourage mosquitoes. Coveringrepparttar 100507 arms and legs is always a good idea, since they tend to gravitate toward human extremities – particularlyrepparttar 100508 legs, ankles and feet. Long-sleeved shirts, full-length pants and closed shoes are your best choices.

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