Training Your Creative Self: Five Tips for Ultra-Creativity

Written by Angela Booth

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Summary: Want to be able to turn on your creativity like a tap? You can. Follow these simple tips for ultra-creativity.

Category: Writing

Words: 950

Training Your Creative Self: Five Tips for Ultra-Creativity

Copyright (c) 2002 by Angela Booth

If you knew you could be as creative as you wished, whenever you wished, what could you achieve?

Surprise --- you can be as creative as you want to be. Creativity is a state of consciousness. And here'srepparttar 129355 best part --- you can access this creative state anytime.

Try modelling those whose creativity you admire. Whether you're a writer or not, you can learn from super-creative Barbara Cartland.

Barbara Cartland,repparttar 129356 prolific romance novelist, completed one romance novel a fortnight. She wrote two complete romance novels a month. That's 24 novels each year. She wrote 24 romances a year for many years, as well as writing other books. She was in a perfect partnership with her creative self.

=> Tips for Ultra-Creativity

Based on Barbara Cartland's methods, here are five tips for ultra-creativity. They work.

==> Tip One: Routine acts as a trigger to your creative state

Each afternoon, Barbara sat down on her sofa, covered herself with a rug, and dictated that day's word count to her secretary. The secretary sat on a chair behind Barbara, out of her line of sight.

The key here is that Barbara trained her creativity to perform on command.

Your creative state is a state of consciousness. It's a flow state, that you can trigger at will once you understand what it feels like.

The easiest way to trigger it is via a routine. If you userepparttar 129357 same triggers until they become a habit, accessing your creativity will be like throwing a switch.

However, changing consciousness takes a little time. When you change consciousness from wakefulness to sleep for example, as you do each night, it takes you around ten minutes to go from wakefulness to sleep.

Your triggers to changing consciousness to a state of sleep are: showering, putting on your pyjamas, climbing into bed, turning offrepparttar 129358 light, wriggling until you get comfortable...

It takes aroundrepparttar 129359 same ten minutes to change consciousness from your normal busy-busy, slightly anxious, slightly hyper everyday state of conscious, to a creative state.

====> Takeaway: changing states of consciousness takes ten minutes

When you know this, you'll stick at tasks which initially seem distasteful just that little bit longer. For example, when I'm walking, I know that at aroundrepparttar 129360 ten minute mark, I'll start to enjoyrepparttar 129361 exercise. I'll have changed my consciousness to an "exercise" state.

What do you hate to do? Or what habit do you want to break? If you're breaking a smoking habit, for example, and you really, really want a cigarette, fightrepparttar 129362 craving for ten minutes, and it will dissipate.

If you're creating, stick with your creative task for ten minutes. You'll "get inrepparttar 129363 mood" so to speak, at around ten or eleven minutes.

Is your e-mail private? No!

Written by Tim North

Considerrepparttar following three claims:

1. Your e-mail is not private.

2. Your e-mail might not be sent torepparttar 129353 intended recipient.

3. Your e-mail can continue to exist even after you delete it.

The following article explainsrepparttar 129354 truth of these alarming statements and why you should be concerned if you're sending confidential messages by e-mail.

1. The privacy problem ---------------------- When you send an e-mail message from computer A to computer B it passes through one or more machines (C, D, E, etc.) on its journey. At each step alongrepparttar 129355 way, an unscrupulous individual with access torepparttar 129356 intermediate machine hasrepparttar 129357 opportunity to read -- or even alter -- your e-mail message.

Within a private intranet (i.e. a company network), such privacy violations could occur if:

* IT staff with access torepparttar 129358 mail server were unscrupulous;

* unauthorised personnel had access torepparttar 129359 mail server (e.g. if someone walked away fromrepparttar 129360 server without logging out); or

* security measures designed to keep hackers out ofrepparttar 129361 mail server were insufficient or were not enforced rigorously.

When e-mail is sent overrepparttar 129362 Internet (a public network)repparttar 129363 risks become notably higher. If you send an e-mail message from Sydney to New York it may pass through half-a-dozen machines on its journey, *each* of which are subject torepparttar 129364 risks mentioned above. Thusrepparttar 129365 hazards accumulate with each extra machine thatrepparttar 129366 message passes through.

2. The identity problem ----------------------- Another risk with e-mail is that you really don't know who will receive it. This happens because some people choose to forward (i.e. divert) their e-mail to another person or authorise another person to read it for them. For example, if you send a message to a senior colleague, remember that this person's e-mail might be read by his or her secretary or stand-in. That can be awkward.

I know of a case where a manager sent an e-mail report to his CEO describing a clerical officer's poor performance. The CEO had, unfortunately, forwarded his e-mail to his acting secretary, who that day happened to be (you guessed it)repparttar 129367 clerical officer in question. The clerical officer readrepparttar 129368 critical report, and all manner of morale problems ensued.

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