Traffic the "Write" Way?

Written by Armand Melanson

Trafficrepparttar "Write" Way? Copyright 2002 By Armand Melanson One ofrepparttar 121275 cheapest ways to drive traffic to your site is via articles you submit to other newsletter publishers. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just some helpful info about something related to what you are selling at your site. The more articles you can have published, them more traffic you get for free. When writing your articles, you need to format them to less 65 than chars per line orrepparttar 121276 article may look screwy in some email programs. You can do this using windows Notepad. Just type random letter 65 times atrepparttar 121277 top of your doc, then start your article. When you reachrepparttar 121278 end ofrepparttar 121279 line you created atrepparttar 121280 top, then hit enter to start a new line. ashdjfkslkkajskdleorit>65 characters wide line length for: is great & FREE - I highly recommend it. Viral marketing is marketing that reproduces itself (like a virus). With articles, you can include a blurb inrepparttar 121282 footer called a resource box. This is where you tellrepparttar 121283 reader who you are & how to get in touch with you (website URL). Seerepparttar 121284 resource box atrepparttar 121285 end of this article for a sample. You can also say thatrepparttar 121286 article is republishable. That's whererepparttar 121287 viral part comes in. If 1 of every 100 readers decides to republish, then your article starts to make its way aroundrepparttar 121288 Net for free & points everyone back to your site. That's why so many people develop free eBooks - forrepparttar 121289 free traffic that comes from them being republished on other people's sites. So once you have an article you then need to get it published. Here's what you do: you find ezines & newsletters that cater torepparttar 121290 audience you are targeting. Then you contactrepparttar 121291 publisher via email & send him your article. The best way to organize this is by finding allrepparttar 121292 ezines that target your audience. Here is are great resources for finding ezines to submit to:

Track Your Advertising Or Perish...

Written by Armand Melanson

Track Your Advertising Or Perish... Copyright 2002 By Armand Melanson

Have you ever tried to find a light switch in a darkened room? You grope around helplessly hoping to findrepparttar switch. This is a good metaphor forrepparttar 121274 way many businesses manage their e-marketing - they are groping around inrepparttar 121275 dark... The key to advertising is having metrics onrepparttar 121276 results your advertising campaigns produce. Here is a great adtracking tool I highly recommend: ADMINDER - If you want to track your visitors from initial visit right through torepparttar 121277 sale, you will need to use ad & sales tracking software like Adminder. I recommend using full strength tracking because it gives yourepparttar 121278 feedback you need to evaluate your marketing effectiveness. Using this software, you create a distinct ad campaign for each & every advertising effort. This allows you to precisely measure how many clicks/sales you are getting from each ad. Without this info, you cannot calculate ROI & determine whether or not a given ad is profitable or not. For $10-$15/MO, it is definitely worth it. If you are really trying to scrimp here's a way to trackrepparttar 121279 clickthrus on your ads ( you can't track sales without one of repparttar 121280 tools above ): Sign up for free website tracking at one of these: racking/ These are free services which allow you to embed a snippet of code in your webpages. This code gathers stats on your traffic in real-time & can be checked via your browser. You then create a webpage for each ad you want to track & place it inrepparttar 121281 www folder of your website. Each ad you run will point back at a unique page you setup for it. Whenever someone clicks on an a link that points to this page, a "hit" is counted in your stats. Of course, this page doesn't have much on it as you wantrepparttar 121282 visitor to be redirected to your real website main page ASAP. That's whatrepparttar 121283 META-REFRESH tag does. Here is whatrepparttar 121284 ad tracking page should look like: you are being redirected - if not click here you placerepparttar 121285 code snippet as directed byrepparttar 121286 webstat company here

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