Traditional and Modern Anniversary Gifts

Written by The Gift Wizard

Most people know thatrepparttar 50th wedding anniversary isrepparttar 110261 "golden" anniversary, and thatrepparttar 110262 25th is silver. But beyond that? Here are some traditional and modern conventions to follow when selecting anniversary gifts:

Year: 1st Traditional Gift(s): Paper Modern Gift(s): Clocks

Year: 2nd Traditional Gift(s): Cotton Modern Gift(s): China

Year: 3rd Traditional Gift(s): Leather Modern Gift(s): Crystal, Glass

Year: 4th Traditional Gift(s): Fruit, Flowers Modern Gift(s): Appliances

Year: 5th Traditional Gift(s): Wood Modern Gift(s): Silverware

Year: 6th Traditional Gift(s): Candy, Iron Modern Gift(s): Candy, Iron

Year: 7th Traditional Gift(s): Wool, Copper Modern Gift(s): Desk Sets

Year: 8th Traditional Gift(s): Bronze, Pottery Modern Gift(s): Bronze, Pottery

Year: 9th Traditional Gift(s): Pottery, Willow Modern Gift(s): Linen, Lace

Year: 10th Traditional Gift(s): Tin, Aluminum Modern Gift(s): Leather

Year: 11th Traditional Gift(s): Steel Modern Gift(s): Jewelry

How to Cope With Colic

Written by Monica Faircloth

When my oldest daughter was born, I walkedrepparttar floor night and day, rocking and swaddling, singing and even crying...anything to make my new little miracle stop her endless crying. Well, everyone told me she just had colic and that it would pass. And, alas, pass it did, however I wish that I would have known then what I know now.

There are many theories aboutrepparttar 110260 causes of colic. Many believe that it is breastfeeding that causes it. "Either you are eating something that is not suited to her little tummy or you must be feeding her too much.." they will tell you. Well, maybe. Others believe that bottle fed babies are allergic torepparttar 110261 formula. "Switch his formula and he will be just fine..." they will tell you. Well, yes that could be it too. Some will say it is gas or an immature nervous system. Maybe. Andrepparttar 110262 list goes on and on.

However, I believe thatrepparttar 110263 answer to solving colic problems is simple. Babies simply "come out" too early and therefore miss out on their "fourth trimester" inrepparttar 110264 womb. This new world needs a lot of getting used to, and some transitional coping methods are in order. Below are some sure fire ways to soothe a colicky baby and restore them to their comfortable, womb-like environment. Well, they will think so anyway.

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