Toxic Friendships

Written by Sibyl McLendon

This article is as much about life lessons as it is about toxic friendships. I learned an interesting truth about myself recently, and I just wanted to share it.

In this life, we are all here to learn lessons, and we will keep being presented withrepparttar opportunity to learn them until we get it right. One ofrepparttar 123861 lessons I have to learn this time around is aboutrepparttar 123862 people I choose to let into my life. I used to berepparttar 123863 kind of person who would let anyone into my life if they seemed to like me. I was emotionally needy. As I progressed, I thought that I was starting to get more discerning about this. I thought that I was learning to avoid people who were going to be negative influences and weigh me down. Some years ago, I had a friend who was a very toxic person. She was emotionally out of control, making very poor decisions and bringing a lot of negativity into my life. I maderepparttar 123864 decision to endrepparttar 123865 friendship. Atrepparttar 123866 time, I attempted to do this gently, but she was very offended, and wrote me an 18-page letter, rambling and quite scary. It clearly illustrated to me that I had made a very poor decision by letting her into my life to begin with, and that I had donerepparttar 123867 right thing in cutting her loose. To be honest, I was rather pleased with myself for makingrepparttar 123868 right decision. I had learned a valuable lesson! I was never going to get into that situation again! After practically wrenching my arm by patting myself onrepparttar 123869 back, on I went with my life.

About 7 years ago, I met a lady who would become my “best friend”. I gave herrepparttar 123870 keys to my kingdom, so to speak. I shared everything with her, and she with me, or so I thought. As time went on, I could clearly see that she had her own emotional baggage, but don’t we all? I certainly went through some tough times during our friendship, some of which I have shared with you in past issues. There were times that I was an emotional wreck. However, I did learn from these bad times. I grew, and moved on. I genuinely learned that I would be just as happy as I decide to be in this life. I choose to be happy here.

My friend, however, was stuck in a loop of depression, money problems and relationship unhappiness. I started to notice that she was always unhappy! Never did I talk to her and ask how she was that I got a positive response. “Never” is a strong word that I do not use lightly here. I started to check out my observations with my husband, just to see if I was being judgmental. No, he assured me that what I saw was indeedrepparttar 123871 way it was.


Written by Arleen M. Kaptur

Whenever you drop a glass or a plate, it shatters into pieces. There they lie, all jagged and in different shapes and sizes. There are even some pieces that are so small that they could never be glued back into place and can only be swept up and thrown away.

When we encounter a great loss of someone we care about, or an unfortunate event in our lives, our heart and soul shatter into pieces. There they lie, right there in front of us. The pieces are there - just not all together. How do we get back torepparttar way things were or how do we regainrepparttar 123860 past so that we can enjoy it yet another day? You can’t bring backrepparttar 123861 past, nor can you set things backrepparttar 123862 way they were. The important thing to remember is that allrepparttar 123863 pieces are there. We need to pick them up and glue them together. It is because allrepparttar 123864 pieces are there that we can look forward and that our lives will continue.

The past is just that -repparttar 123865 past. If we focus onrepparttar 123866 future, we missrepparttar 123867 joys and opportunities of today. Today is freedom to be and to heal. Refusing to believe inrepparttar 123868 concept of impossible isrepparttar 123869 glue that we use to mend and to fix what shatters in our daily lives. Memories are a joy, and a comfort. If they are good memories, then we are better for having experienced them. If they are far from perfect, they opened our minds and hearts torepparttar 123870 reality that life is not perfect, but it is there for us to learn from, and move ahead. Also, you must let go ofrepparttar 123871 things you cannot control. Holding on torepparttar 123872 reins that are not yours will never give yourepparttar 123873 peace and serenity that you have a right to. You can only fix what you can, and believe that others will dorepparttar 123874 same in their own time and way.

When your day is less than perfect, or some tragic event shatters your world, takerepparttar 123875 time to give it some thought. Actions are good and necessary but if you takerepparttar 123876 time to examinerepparttar 123877 situation, thenrepparttar 123878 right actions will follow. Rushing into anything because of hurt feelings, grief, or heartache is like crushing a flower because tomorrow it may fade. The possibility exists that tomorrow may be a stellar day for this flower and bees and birds may partake of its nectar andrepparttar 123879 pollen they carry isrepparttar 123880 promise of a tomorrow.

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