Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!

Written by Carol Oon

"Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do!" by Carol Oon

I really love that quote from Robert Schuller. Think about it ~ "tough times never last, but tough people do". This seems to have become my motto in life. If you were to ask me if I'm tough, I would honestly have to say that sometimes I'm tougher than at other times. Are you "tough" when it comes to this crazy Internet business?

Whenever I think about past failures with my Internet business, I wince. I've failed so many times. People thought I was crazy to try a "home business" that promises overnight wealth. There were times when I thought I was crazy! It not only made me poor and miserable (because I'm an "opportunity junkie", when I first started out, I joined almost allrepparttar programs that came my way) but also frustrated. I spent countless hours, money and effort trying to make this business work.

I thank God that one day I managed to findrepparttar 100458 key to success onrepparttar 100459 Internet. Not only have I learned how to run my business so that it's simple to operate, but it brings me a good income so that I'll be able to retire comfortably. This is where toughness comes in. Even though I spent so much time and money onrepparttar 100460 net, working very late hours and seeing little return, I didn't give up! I don't consider quitting an option and I'm so glad! Back when times were tough, I told myself I couldn't quit because I hadn't yet achievedrepparttar 100461 goals that were so important to me.

Now, as I look back over those years of struggle and frustration, I'm so glad I kept working. Otherwise I wouldn't haverepparttar 100462 sense of achievement orrepparttar 100463 financial independence that I enjoy today. And, best of all, I don't have to work long hours anymore. I've made it!

3 Secrets to success in your home business

Written by Joel Teo

3 Secrets to success in your home business

By Joel Teo 2005 All Rights Reserved

Anyone believe it or not can be successful tomorrow in their home business. The problem is most people do not know where to start and what to do. This article will cover three secrets that any home business owner can use to vastly improve their home business.

Firstly, any successful person needs to dream of a future where there is more rather than less money onrepparttar table. Napoleon Hill ofrepparttar 100457 “Think and Grow Rich” fame discovered that rich people become rich because of their mindset. If you want to be a really successful home business owner, you need to learnrepparttar 100458 mindset of wealth.

Where do you see yourself in your home business inrepparttar 100459 next few years? Do you have clearly defined long term, medium term and short term goals? Spend time thinking and planning your strategy and you will be one step nearer your goal of making serious money in your home business.

Secondly, knowrepparttar 100460 medium where you carry out your sales really well. Today withrepparttar 100461 advent ofrepparttar 100462 internet, internet marketing is fast becoming a great way for a home business owner to promote his products online. A good home business owner today will therefore start learning how he can make use of internet marketing to boost his business products online.

Imagine makingrepparttar 100463 sale while you are sleeping. Such isrepparttar 100464 allure of internet marketing today and if you learn some basic Search Engine Optimization you will be on your way to online profits. But it will be a long process but worth it inrepparttar 100465 longer term.

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