Top search engine ranking, now what?

Written by Andy Beal

Congratulations, your website is atrepparttar top ofrepparttar 128166 search engines and your traffic is at record levels. Sales are up and your boss is grinning like a Cheshire cat. No doubt, asrepparttar 128167 person in charge of marketing your website, you have either spent hours researching great sites such as Search Engine Guide or Search Engine Watch and have achievedrepparttar 128168 results yourself or, more than likely, you have employedrepparttar 128169 services of a search engine marketing company. Either way, you now proudly sit atrepparttar 128170 top ofrepparttar 128171 search engine results forrepparttar 128172 golden keywords you wanted.

Don’t get complacent

So now that you are atrepparttar 128173 top ofrepparttar 128174 search engines, you can sit back, relax and enjoy months of great positioning, right? Wrong! The effort it took to get your website top positioning is nothing compared torepparttar 128175 effort needed to keep it there. Now that you are onrepparttar 128176 top ofrepparttar 128177 world looking down, you need to make sure that you remain in great shape. Granted, some search engines do not needrepparttar 128178 same type of effort to keep your website atrepparttar 128179 top, but you are still looking at a full time job and a constant battle to ensure that your website doesn't start slipping down to ranking oblivion

Changing face of search engines

Your first challenge is keeping up-to-date withrepparttar 128180 changing face ofrepparttar 128181 search engines. Search engines are relentless machines, constantly looking for new enhancements and modifications to make to their results. Popular search engines such as Google, AltaVista and Lycos are forever competing against each other forrepparttar 128182 crown of “best search engine”. Subscribe to’s newsletter and you will repeatedly read news and propaganda from different search engines claiming to have eitherrepparttar 128183 most accurate algorithm orrepparttar 128184 highest number of visitors. It is this battle for bragging rights that drivesrepparttar 128185 search engines to improve their results and keep ahead ofrepparttar 128186 competition. With these changes happening on a more than occasional basis, constant monitoring and tweaking of your website are vital to ensure that your #1 position today, does not become a #30 position tomorrow.

'How to Achieve High Rankings in the Search Engines'

Written by Sue Doughty

A frequent question asked is "Why do some people achieve a high search engine positioning and get plenty of traffic while others do not? Simple. The people who have high search engine positions inrepparttar major search engines selected keywords that many people are searching with and placed those keywords inrepparttar 128165 body of their content correctly. This is what is known as search engine optimization or keyword optimization.

Search engine optimization will be one ofrepparttar 128166 most important investments you will make. Whether you decide to take onrepparttar 128167 project yourself or hire a professional service, we highly recommend search engine optimization before you submit torepparttar 128168 search engines.

Keywords: Do's and Don'ts

Here are some tips on how to optimize your web pages and achieve high search engine rankings for your web pages using keywords, meta tags2 and effective copy writing. This article is best suited forrepparttar 128169 webmaster orrepparttar 128170 author ofrepparttar 128171 web site content. It is usuallyrepparttar 128172 webmaster who is responsible for making sure that pages are search engine ready. This article contains web page code snippets (SHOWN IN THIS TYPEFACE) given as examples to follow. Although this article is technical in nature, it is vital to anyone who wants to achieve a high search engine ranking.

Use of Keywords

Keywords and keyword phrases must occur often and nearrepparttar 128173 beginning ofrepparttar 128174 TITLE tag,repparttar 128175 DESCRIPTION and KEYWORDS meta tags andrepparttar 128176 BODY5 of your web pages. The more frequentrepparttar 128177 keywords appear andrepparttar 128178 nearer they appear torepparttar 128179 beginning ofrepparttar 128180 tags and pages,repparttar 128181 greaterrepparttar 128182 chance of achieving high search engine positioning.

The tags3 that are most important for page optimization are (inrepparttar 128183 following order):

1. The TITLE tag

Example: Plumbing Supplies Company

This isrepparttar 128184 most important tag on your web page. It should begin withrepparttar 128185 most important search phrase users will enter to find your site. It is more important thanrepparttar 128186 content and it is more important thanrepparttar 128187 description or keywords meta tags. Users searching for "plumbing supplies² will stand a greater chance of finding your site usingrepparttar 128188 above title than if it were:

Plumbing Supply Company

2. The DESCRIPTION meta tag


Use a plain English sentence of no more than 40 words for your description. Again,repparttar 128189 description should begin withrepparttar 128190 most important keywords. Search engines will often userepparttar 128191 contents of this tag to display results of a search. If there is no description meta tag thenrepparttar 128192 search engine will attempt to build one fromrepparttar 128193 content atrepparttar 128194 top ofrepparttar 128195 body ofrepparttar 128196 page. Words like "Back Next Products Support² won't mean anything to users reading search results. Also do not use a list of keywords as a description. Search engines will see this as an attempt to achieve a high ranking and will probably penalize you and your site may appear much lower onrepparttar 128197 list as a result.

3. The KEYWORDS meta tag


Althoughrepparttar 128198 keywords meta tag is important, most search engines will derive keywords fromrepparttar 128199 actual content of web pages. Nevertheless, you should includerepparttar 128200 keywords meta tag in all pages you want indexed. Do not "spam4²repparttar 128201 search engines by repeating keywords. If you do you will most likely be penalized with a lower ranking or even banned altogether. Additionally, only use keywords that appear inrepparttar 128202 actual content ofrepparttar 128203 page. Ifrepparttar 128204 search engines detect that you are trying to score a high ranking by using keywords that have nothing to do withrepparttar 128205 content ofrepparttar 128206 page then you risk being penalized or banned.

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