Top Ten Ways to Get a Good Night's Sleep

Written by Linda Dessau

Top Ten Ways to Get a Good Night’s Sleep By Linda Dessau,repparttar Self-Care Coach

Sleep – are you getting enough? For some people, enough is four to six hours. Other people just don't feel right with less than eight hours. People need more or less sleep at different phases in their life. Women may need more or less sleep at different phases ofrepparttar 115368 month.

The simplest way to tell if you're getting enough is by noticing every morning - do you feel rested? Do you wake up without an alarm clock and feel ready to get right out of bed and start your day?

Not getting enough sleep is one ofrepparttar 115369 most direct ways that we self-sabotage our success and well-being. When we are better rested we not only feel better, but are calmer, smarter, more rational, nicer to be around and we look better. Why wouldn't we choose to have that every day??

1. Setrepparttar 115370 Stage - turn offrepparttar 115371 computer and television at least one hour before you'd like to fall asleep, and turn on some music that you find relaxing. Test what your stereo system will do whenrepparttar 115372 recording is finished – does it SNAP! or does it “wrrrr” – this will make a difference as you’re drifting off. My CD player makes a very soft "wrrrr" noise (though I honestly can't rememberrepparttar 115373 last time I was still awake whenrepparttar 115374 CD was over).

2. Music without words - words can provoke and direct your thoughts more than instrumental music or pure vocal sounds.

3. Music with natural "breaths" - music whererepparttar 115375 soloist takes natural pauses to breathe can help you to slow down your own breath - try flute, other wind instruments or voice (either with no words or words in a language you don't understand).

4. A good book - For bedtime reading, try to stay away from material that gets you thinking about things you deal with duringrepparttar 115376 day. Magazines or stories that distract you from your own life may help you to drift into sleep.

Why DO the Japanese have the longest lifespan?

Written by Peter McGarry

A recent statistic inrepparttar World Bank Group states thatrepparttar 115367 Japanese haverepparttar 115368 longest lifespan inrepparttar 115369 world. Japanese men live be 78 years old on average whilerepparttar 115370 average lifespan of a Japanese woman is 85. How dorepparttar 115371 Japanese do it?

After personally experiencingrepparttar 115372 Japanese lifestyle in Tokyo for five years, I learned a little about why Japanese people live so long and will share a few of their secrets. This month will feature Part 1: It’s All inrepparttar 115373 Food. Part 2: Liverepparttar 115374 Lifestyle will appear inrepparttar 115375 April edition of eNews at

Part 1: It’s All inrepparttar 115376 Food The Japanese diet does not center on delicacies eaten solely for taste. In fact, most dishes are consumed based onrepparttar 115377 health benefits people gain from them. Conscious decisions are based on ‘What would be good for me?’ as opposed to ‘What do I feel like eating?’ This leads one to contemplate what isrepparttar 115378 diet forrepparttar 115379 average Japanese person and what are their secrets?

Secret #1: Eating fish instead of red meat lowersrepparttar 115380 risk of heart attacks. For a source of protein, fish is a common staple in most meals. Red meat is significantly more expensive and less frequently consumed. Fish is healthier andrepparttar 115381 fresher it isrepparttar 115382 better. Keep in mind that not all fish in Japan is consumed raw, there are many ways that fish is prepared (grilled, baked, fried, poached, etc) and served. Furthermore, Japanese women believe thatrepparttar 115383 skin on fish helps bring outrepparttar 115384 natural beauty of their skin and improves their complexion.

Secret #2: Soy products help reduce heart disease and high blood pressure and are a great source of protein. Tofu and soy products are also staples inrepparttar 115385 Japanese diet. Considering that saturated fats from meat and dairy products increase cholesterol, it is encouraging to know that foods derived from plants such as soy actually haverepparttar 115386 opposite effect. Soybeans provide adequate protein withoutrepparttar 115387 saturated fat and cholesterol of meats and high-fat dairy. Soy sauce, tofu, and natto (soy beans mixed with raw egg served over rice) are a few examples of soy products consumed daily.

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