Top Ten Ways of Why and How to Write your Book's Sales Letter - Part 2

Written by Judy Cullins

Top Ten Ways of Why and How to Write your Book's Sales Letter - Part 2 Judy Cullins ©2005 All Rights Reserved.

Authors/publishers are great at getting their books written. But afterrepparttar initial one-year honeymoon, sales slow down. To counter this make sure your print or ebook will keep on selling fromrepparttar 119727 first day,repparttar 119728 first year, even for life. Count on this being a two to three- year project to become well known.

Write a short sales letter for each book.

Whether you have a web site or not, you can write a first class, must-buy-now sales letter. Since you are making your book a business write a sales letter for each teleclass and service as well. I even write one for my bookcoaching services.

What Every Sales Letter Needs to Pull Orders and Profits

You can write each sales letter in less than four hoursrepparttar 119729 first time. As you practice, you can an excellent one in two hours.

For part one of this article email

5. Sprinkle Testimonials Throughout your Sales Letter.

Potential buyers who visit your site are pulled to buy when they think other people have already bought and liked your book. If other people are happy with your product or service, they will be too.

Include testimonials from experts in your field, celebrities, man/woman onrepparttar 119730 street, and other people who have profited from your book’s advice. Learn how to approach influential contacts through email friendly notes and requests. To save these busy people time.(they want to help, but consider it's time consuming to create testimonials) ask them look at your list of 5-10 benefit phrases, and a page of your table of contents to give you’re a testimonial within a few weeks. Remember, they don’t have to readrepparttar 119731 whole book to give you a testimonial. Don’t be shy on this one. It’s part ofrepparttar 119732 publishing-promotion process.

Give as you receive. Give that person something of value. Study their web site or read their ezine, and send them a short helpful tip, report or joke.

6. Offer your potential buyers three or four chances to buy.

Are you a skimmer? Many visitors are too. They may have already decided to buy before coming to your sales letter, or after your sparkling headline, book cover, and introduction don’t want to read more. Afterrepparttar 119733 cover, offer a "Click Here" or "Buy Now" nearrepparttar 119734 top ofrepparttar 119735 letter. Offer more buying opportunities alongrepparttar 119736 way after a list of benefits, what's in this book (features), and testimonials. You may offer by a download eBook by credit card or with a toll-free telephone number—maybe three or four times.

Good Marketing Pays for Itself

Written by Joy Gendusa

Most companies ask themselves this question: "How much will this advertising cost us?" when they should actually be asking themselves this: "How much will it cost not to do this advertising?"

If your company spends $1000 per week on marketing then you could save $1000 per week by not doing any marketing. That is true but it isrepparttar simple and shortsighted view ofrepparttar 119726 situation. However, ifrepparttar 119727 revenue generated from that marketing is $1010 you have actually just lost $10 by not doing it.

Most timesrepparttar 119728 margin is not that slim. We generally bring in around 10 times what we spend in any given week. That means for every $1000 we spend on marketing we bring in $10,000. If we decided that we were only going to spend half of what we were normally spending we would automatically save half of our budget. That is great but we would likely lose up to half of our weekly sales income. In trying to save half our budget we actually lost 9 times that amount.

It all comes back to your Return On Investment. That’srepparttar 119729 ROI I am always talking about. If you only make what you spend on your marketing it is not doing its job. The money that you spend on your marketing is your investment. The money you bring in on sales isrepparttar 119730 Return On that Investment. That is why your ROI isrepparttar 119731 most important statistic to consider when trying to divide up your marketing budget. Putting more money into a marketing strategy that has a higher ROI doesn’t cost you more money, it makes you more money. Saving money by lowering your marketing budget doesn’t sound so enticing when you think about it that way. Unfortunately many businesses cut their marketing budget first when trying to stay afloat during slow periods. They are actually hastening their downfall.

You have heard it time and time again, "It takes money to make money." It is as true today as it ever has been. You have a good product or service, you run your business well,repparttar 119732 only thing that you need is good marketing and that will eventually pay for itself.

Perhaps by now you are convinced that you need to spend some money on promoting your business.

Maybe you are still stopped byrepparttar 119733 big question, "How?" What do you really need to know, and how can you actually make it work?

Let’s start withrepparttar 119734 "Basic Principles" of promotion.

What is Promotion?

Promotion is making something known and well thought of.

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