Top Ten Ways about Sensing Your Body

Written by Mahalene Louis

Most of us spend time judging, criticizing and giving negative messages to our body, which only results in suffering. As our body isrepparttar main tool (mentor) to our expression in every day life, it is essential to choose to be aware of it every moment, and develop a loving relationship to it. In other words, make your body your buddy.

1. Touching: Caress your buddy

The mood is tender and nurturing. Accept any defect compassionately as you would a friend that hasrepparttar 130653 same challenge. Treat your buddy to a relaxing massage regularly.

2. Touch again: Romance your buddy

Serenade your buddy. Write love letters to your buddy. Offer flowers to your buddy. Treat your buddy to exquisite chocolates once in while. The soul of your buddy will be deeply touched by all your thoughtful attentions.

3. Hearing: Communicate sweetly and softly

Listen to what your buddy is saying to you, and speak loving words in return. Speak to others about your buddy inrepparttar 130654 3rd person. Ex: She likes wearing red… He loves to go on long walks…

4. Hear again: Be a good a provider

Treat your buddy to what s/he desires and requires, medical, and holistic. Create money to take splendid care of your buddy. Give your buddy adequate rest and sleep.

5. Seeing: Dress your buddy impeccably

Choose onlyrepparttar 130655 finest materials for your buddy and natural fabrics like silk, cotton or linen. Give it an environment that is clean, comfortable, neat and pleasant.

6. See again: Consider it as a work of art. Beauty lies inrepparttar 130656 eyes ofrepparttar 130657 beholder. What can you notice that you particularly appreciate? Focus on that…

The Goddess Nut

Written by Judi Singleton

Nutrepparttar Mother Goddess Of Us All

Her name is pronunced 'Noot'. 'Nuit' means 'night.' Nut was originally a mother-goddess who had many children. The

hieroglyph for her name, which she is often seen wearing on her head is

a water pot, but it is also thought to represent a womb. She wasrepparttar 130652 daughter ofrepparttar 130653 air god, Shu and water goddesses, Tefnut. She was shown in Egyptian artwork as a dark, star-covered naked woman,

holding her body up in an arch, facing downwards. Her arms and legs

were imagined to berepparttar 130654 pillars ofrepparttar 130655 sky, and hands and feet were

thought to touchrepparttar 130656 four cardinal points atrepparttar 130657 horizon. Far

underneath her layrepparttar 130658 earth god, Geb, sometimes ithphallyic, looking

up at his sister-wife. She was also described as a cow goddess, taking

on some ofrepparttar 130659 attributes of Hathor. Geb was described asrepparttar 130660 "Bull of

Nut" inrepparttar 130661 Pyramid Texts. As a great, solar cow, she was thought to

have carried Ra up intorepparttar 130662 heavens on her back, after he retired from

his rule onrepparttar 130663 Earth. She is also pictured as a giant sow, suckling many piglets. These

piglets representedrepparttar 130664 stars, which she swallowed each morning before

dawn. Nut was considered to berepparttar 130665 mother ofrepparttar 130666 sun andrepparttar 130667 moon.

Duringrepparttar 130668 day, Nut and Geb are separated, but each evening Nut comes

down to meet Geb and this causes darkness. If storms came duringrepparttar 130669

day, it was believed that Nut had some how slipped closer torepparttar 130670 Earth.

Nut isrepparttar 130671 barrier separatingrepparttar 130672 forces of chaos fromrepparttar 130673 ordered

cosmos in this world. Her fingers and toes were believed to touchrepparttar 130674 four cardinal points or directions.

The sun god Re was said to enter her mouth after setting inrepparttar 130675 evening

and travel through her body duringrepparttar 130676 night to be reborn from her

vulva each morning. She gives birth torepparttar 130677 sun inrepparttar 130678 east and swallowsrepparttar 130679 sun inrepparttar 130680


In one myth Nut gives birth torepparttar 130681 Sun-god daily and he passes over her

body until he reaches her mouth at sunset. He then passed into her

mouth and through her body and is rebornrepparttar 130682 next morning. Another myth

describedrepparttar 130683 sun as sailing up her legs and back inrepparttar 130684 Atet (Matet)

boat until noon, when he enteredrepparttar 130685 Sektet boat and continued his

travels until sunset. As a goddess who gave birth torepparttar 130686 son each day,

she became connected withrepparttar 130687 underworld, resurrection andrepparttar 130688 tomb.

She was seen as a friend torepparttar 130689 dead, as a mother-like protector to

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