Top Ten Tips To Inspire and Anchor The Marketing Of You…

Written by Mahalene Louis

Marketing is torepparttar realm of business what honesty is torepparttar 120484 realm of spirituality; they both trigger much resistance, and both have a bad rap! As farfetched asrepparttar 120485 connection may appear, it takes honesty to market self successfully in today’s economy, just as it takesrepparttar 120486 market place (community) to practice one’s honesty. The Greek philosopher Diogenes was known to walkrepparttar 120487 streets of Athens with a lantern looking for an honest man. Those ten tips are offered to you as a lantern to turn onrepparttar 120488 light on your marketing strategies. In doing so, they will soon transform into an enjoyable and meaningful process, and see your commerce to unavoidable prosperity …

1. WHAT part of you?

Most people resists marketing as they associate it to selling, which they dislike… Yet did you know that etymologically,repparttar 120489 word “marketing” comes from a Latin word merc r meaning “to buy!” Become honest about your fighting marketing, and ask yourself: WHAT part of you are you not buying that you cannot imagine yourself selling? (Oops, told you those were two delicate subjects!)

2. WHAT’s in a name?

Did you know that Coca Cola isrepparttar 120490 only brand that can “afford” to have their name written in script? The scripted font engenders feelings of casualness, and relaxation. Similarly, have you noticed how reassuring isrepparttar 120491 golden “M” arch of McDonald’s? As soon as you see it, you know where you are, even if you were to be traveling in a country whose alphabet you cannot read, e.g. Greece. WHAT a relief! Ask yourself: what feeling is in my brand name? (I have no answer to why one would eat a Big Mac in Greece…) 3. WHEN is it time to market?

Know thyself first! From knowing yourself you will haverepparttar 120492 clarity to know what your name means, and WHEN to speak it. Furthermore, WHEN you know your unique strengths, passions, and talents, you live fully in your heART, you sing your own melody with an authenticity that is remarkably attractive and thoroughly irresistible… Ask yourself: what makes me be me that I truly like about myself? (Yes, I noticed too: after Diogenes came Socrates!)

4. WHEN did you say?

Self-acceptance is your life work, until your life becomes your work! Look at what you have not forgiven or what you cannot love yet; there laysrepparttar 120493 missing piece of your own puzzle! Possibly it is having insomnia, or maybe it is being a married to a maffioso… WHEN you learnrepparttar 120494 lessons of your resisted experiences, your weaknesses turn into strengths, and you become like an invincible sun! Now you consistently and coherently offer quality and meaning to your clients. Ask yourself: What did I learn that can be of value to my clients? (Sing with me: “Amazing Greece, how sweet it is…”)

5. WHERE do I go to find it? Should your self-inquiry reach a plateau, tests and assessments are a great place to learn about yourself… To sort your temperament, you may takerepparttar 120495 Myers-Briggs evaluation, or giverepparttar 120496 Keirsey test a chance ( Another very simple way to see yourself is simply to ask your friends and your clients questions on how they see you, why they would choose to come to you, what they see as your main asset, etc… Do not forget to interview your family (siblings can be especially merciless on that subject, and so helpful!) When decoding their feedback, rather than thinking that this sounds like Greek to you, ask yourself: WHERE arerepparttar 120497 words to best describe me? 6. WHERE is your niche?

Your niche is like a home sweet home; it is WHERE your favorite people hang out, whererepparttar 120498 clients are exactly whom you want to support, and where there is a need that you can easily fulfill by being precisely who you are… Very exciting concept here; hot stuff, truly, as hot asrepparttar 120499 iron that brandsrepparttar 120500 cow! The more specific your offering is,repparttar 120501 more in demand you will be to your niche: it is whererepparttar 120502 offering (the brand) andrepparttar 120503 niche (your target market) belong together. It is cozy, and easy, and friendly. Betweenrepparttar 120504 people,repparttar 120505 cows andrepparttar 120506 goats, it may even feel like a Big Fat Greek Wedding… Ask yourself: Which scene, neighborhood or environment am I regularly returning to?

How To Promote Your Business – A 10 step guide for beginners

Written by Trent Brownrigg

Copyright© Trent Brownrigg

I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long asrepparttar bylines are included, with a live link, andrepparttar 120483 article is not changed in any way (grammatical corrections accepted).

How To Promote Your Business – A 10 step guide for beginners

Often times when people start an internet business they don't have a clue how to go about their marketing campaign. They end up posting ads aimlessly to places that do nothing but send them spam and waste time and money. Then, after a couple weeks without results, they give up. It almost happened to me and I know it happens to others everyday. So, in order to helprepparttar 120484 newbies, I decided to give a quick overview of some ofrepparttar 120485 widely used techniques for marketing your business. When used correctly these marketing techniques will dramatically increase traffic and sales without emptying your bank account.

Here they are, in no particular order:

1) PPC's (Pay Per Click) - These are a very widely used method of getting traffic to your website. Pretty much everyone uses PPC's at one time or another. The concept is really simple… you bid a certain amount on keywords related to your product or service. Then when someone searches for those keywords they find your ad (assuming you bid high enough). Finally, they click on your ad and you payrepparttar 120486 amount you bid. This is great because you only pay for traffic that actually goes to your site and allrepparttar 120487 traffic is targeted.

PPC’s may sound intimidating because ofrepparttar 120488 word "pay" but you can usually find keywords to bid on for a very low amount. The highest bid I have on a PPC right now is 25 cents per click which is actually considered high for some. You can also frequently find deals where you get money put into your account just for signing up. Thenrepparttar 120489 traffic you get doesn’t cost you anything. Send an email to and I will send you a list of some PPC’s that do this.

For a list ofrepparttar 120490 top PPC's go to -Note: Google Adwords is not listed in their top 10 but it should be. Overture and Google are widely considered to berepparttar 120491 two best. You can find Google Adwords at 2) COOPS - This one is also really simple. You just pay a certain amount for guaranteed prospects. Usually someone that generates very high amounts of prospects, due to their marketing efforts, will allow you to participate inrepparttar 120492 coop for a small fee. They are also a super time saver because you don't have to do anything to getrepparttar 120493 prospects, except pay a little. Coops are a really great deal when you are new because you typically aren’t real great at getting your own quality prospects without spending a lot of money or tons of time. 3) Article Writing - Writing articles is another great way to generate a lot of quality traffic as well as make a name for yourself onrepparttar 120494 internet. All you do is write on a topic you know about and submit it to places that accept article submissions. This one scares people at first because they don’t think they can write. Trust me it's not as hard as you may think to find a topic you know something about. Then just write a couple pages about it. For example: I never used to think I could write articles but you are reading this one right now, aren’t you? 4) Forum Submissions - Basically all you do with this one is go to internet business forums and post answers to people’s questions. This one is more for making a solid reputation for yourself as a knowledgeable and trustworthy individual.

I have already written an article on this so I won’t go into much detail here. The article will give you a lot more info, you can find it at It tells a lot about what to do and not do inrepparttar 120495 forums as well as provide you with some good forums to get started in.

Note: Do not post ads inrepparttar 120496 forums. The only way this technique is effective is to offer answers and advice to people. This is also a really great way to learn a lot fromrepparttar 120497 masters just by readingrepparttar 120498 posts. 5) Link Exchanges (for search engines) - This technique is only effective if you have your own website. You search for sites related to yours (such as “work at home”) and then you place a link torepparttar 120499 website intorepparttar 120500 links page of your website. Then you askrepparttar 120501 webmaster to returnrepparttar 120502 favor by placing a link to your site on theirs.

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