Top Ten Telephone Tips

Written by David McDonough

KNOW THY TELECOM SELF Understand your own telephone calling patterns. Do you make most of your telephone calls duringrepparttar day, night, or on weekends? If you don't make frequent residential long distance telephone calls, perhaps a long distance telephone dial-around service ("10-10") isrepparttar 125450 right plan for you or a plan with no monthly minimum fees.

YOU WON'T KNOW UNTIL YOU ASK – Ask your long distance telephone provider about any promotions they might be running. You can even ask other long distance telephone companies about any switching benefits they might be offering.

READ THE FINE PRINT – Phone companies each have different restrictions and offerings. Make sure you readrepparttar 125451 fine print.

BEWARE OF ADDITIONAL CHARGES – Ask if there are monthly, minimum or per-call fees in addition torepparttar 125452 per minute rates. For example, if a dial-around service charges a $5 monthly fee and you make only one 10 minute call that month, then you pay an extra 50 cents a minute for that call.

BE CAREFUL OF COMPARISON RATES IN ADVERTISEMENTS – Consumers should be careful about comparison rates in advertisements, such as 50% off of a telephone carrier's "basic" rates, because such "basic" telephone rates are often notrepparttar 125453 lowest telphone rates available.

CHECK OUT THE PHONE COMPANIES' WEB SITES – Their sites should have specific information on their rates and calling plans.

TIE-INS AND OTHER DISCOUNTS – Ask your long distance telephone carrier about mileage tie-ins that they may offer. Many companies now offer miles per dollar spent on your residential long distance telephone bill. Your long distance telephone minutes can add up to a free trip! Also, some phone carriers provide discounts if you have your long distance telephone charges billed to your credit card.

How To Create An Organized Filing System

Written by Ilene Drexler



No one filing system works for everyone. Inrepparttar end,repparttar 125449 test of a good filing system is being able to find something when you need it. However, there are two basic recommended set-up alternatives:

• Establish categories for like items by subject (e.g., Hobbies) • Establish an index based system with files identified numerically by item (e.g., File 1=Document 1)

You can chooserepparttar 125450 method that makesrepparttar 125451 most intuitive sense to you. People who have trouble categorizing may feel more comfortable withrepparttar 125452 indexing approach.

Regardless of which type of system you choose, if you feel overwhelmed about where to start, pick a group of papers in any pile. It does not matter where you start… just need to start with a manageable subset of paper.

Active vs. Historic Files

Active files are those which you must access regularly. Historic files are those that it is unlikely you will need to access, but which you must keep for record retention purposes (i.e., tax files).

Your inactive files should not be kept in your active file space, if file cabinet space is limited. These files can be stored in boxes in an out ofrepparttar 125453 way location (since you should not be accessing these files regularly). To create your active files, followrepparttar 125454 steps outlined below.


Step 1 Sort & Discard

Review your papers and discard any papers you no longer need to keep. If you feel unsure about discarding an item, in order to makerepparttar 125455 decision easier, ask yourself what’srepparttar 125456 worst thing that could happen if you throw it away? It helps to put things in perspective.

When you decide to keep a paper, sortrepparttar 125457 paper into various categories/piles. Use post-it notes to labelrepparttar 125458 top page of each pile until a permanent file location/category name is established later.

Use categories that are broad for sorting. For example, if you have lots of information on various leisure interests, you can create a hanging file called “Leisure” (vs. creating a hanging file for every type of leisure topic in your papers).

If you have a major hobby such as photography, for which you collect a lot of information, create a separate hanging folder named “Photography”. This makes more sense (so thatrepparttar 125459 “leisure” file won’t become too unwieldy).

You can create multiple interior file folders that reside withinrepparttar 125460 hanging file folder, each labeled withrepparttar 125461 category sub-topic. This makes it easier to search by sub-topic. For example, withinrepparttar 125462 “Leisure” hanging file category you might have file folders forrepparttar 125463 sub-categories of Art, Music & Reading.

Step 2: Determine Quantity Files Needed

Once you are finished sorting, count and double checkrepparttar 125464 number of “piles” you have to keep. The number of piles equalsrepparttar 125465 number of hanging file folders you will need for your active files. You should buy a minimum ofrepparttar 125466 same number of interior file folders to insert insiderepparttar 125467 hanging file folders (more if you will have some categories with multiple sub-topics).

Step 3: Identifying/Labeling The Files Create a set of hanging file folders and associated interior file folder(s) for each pile and its sub-categories.

In order to maintainrepparttar 125468 transition from active to historic status atrepparttar 125469 end of each year,repparttar 125470 interior files should be labeled by subject and current year (e.g., Life Insurance 2004). This dating approach is best for those categories that involve monthly statements or bills.

For your hanging folders that do contain dated material, it is best to keep static papers that don’t change from year to year in front ofrepparttar 125471 interior folders (e.g.,repparttar 125472 life insurance policy versusrepparttar 125473 quarterly invoices). This will make it easy to transition files from active to historical status at year end.

Step 4: Estimate file cabinet size

Once you putrepparttar 125474 appropriate papers inrepparttar 125475 files, you can get a sense of how many file cabinet drawers you will need. Using a single “Bankers Box” (heavy corrugated storage box) to standrepparttar 125476 files up to measurerepparttar 125477 inches in depth needed is very helpful. These boxes are available at office supply stores, and also will serve later for inactive storage purposes).

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