Top 6 reasons to have a powerful linking system!

Written by Jack Humphrey

1. Drive Traffic to Your Site. A website without it is dead, even a thoroughly beautiful, effective, mouth-watering site. You must use tools used byrepparttar pros if you are going to drive targeted traffic to your site. One ofrepparttar 124831 best, most underutilized tools onrepparttar 124832 net for ANYONE with any sized budget can use is: reciprocal linking.

2. You must create a presence onrepparttar 124833 web by linking your site with others. Because that's whatrepparttar 124834 most successful sites onrepparttar 124835 web all have in common: They link with sites they would like to share visitors with and they drive traffic to their sites for free with a good, themed link directory. Not a directory of random links, but a directory of links most suited for your visitors and relative torepparttar 124836 products, services and information you have on your site.

That's what you expect to be listed in on other webmasters' sites, so that's what you have to provide to them in return. You owe your visitors that and you owe your link partners that.

3. Link Popularity Google, for example, uses "link popularity" as an indicator of how "important" your site is. That is, if x number of people are linking to you, I mean they actually tookrepparttar 124837 time out to "recommend" visiting you, then your site must be of "x" value to Google searchers.

Webmaster Traffic Tools went from zero visitors and no search engine ranking to a Number 1 listing on Google in less than two months solely because of my linking system. The search engines found me through another site, not by spidering me directly.

You see, when I link, I look for high-traffic sites that are already listed inrepparttar 124838 search engines with high ranking. Google spiders those sites frequently and 99% ofrepparttar 124839 time they are going to run into your link somewhere else before they get around to visiting your site forrepparttar 124840 first time directly.

When they see your link they come over and spider your site 1) to guage whetherrepparttar 124841 link FROMrepparttar 124842 other site is relevant to that site, giving them higher link popularity and, 2) to make their job easier they spider your site because they are already there.

4. Direct Website Traffic If you have done your job properly and sought out links with sites that haverepparttar 124843 EXACT kind of visitors you would LOVE to have at your site, you are going to get great amounts of traffic fromrepparttar 124844 links you work so hard to secure with those sites. One good link can give you more traffic than allrepparttar 124845 search engines combined any day ofrepparttar 124846 week!

Tracking Bears and Internet Marketing

Written by Jack Humphrey

Most people know me online asrepparttar "Power Linking" guy. Few know that I used to be a Wilderness education expert and wildlife tracker.

In my non-profit years (all 12 of them in various environmental protection organizations) I raised money, lobbied Senators and Congressmen inrepparttar 124830 halls of Washington D.C., and educated people about open spaces and protecting wildlife.

But my most rewarding job ever was working inrepparttar 124831 wildlands of New Mexico, Arizona, and northern Mexico. I took prospective donors on raft trips to show them what they would be protecting if they donated to our group.

I took Sierra Club members intorepparttar 124832 Blue Range Mountains of Arizona to hear wolves howl and teach them to track bears.

Which brings me to why I got up at 5 a.m. this morning after laying down to sleep for only 20 minutes all night. I couldn't get it out of my head how much tracking bears parallels what we as internet marketers do to generate traffic for our sites.

You see, bears inrepparttar 124833 wild have an incredible communication system. Much like those big cork boards that are placed all over college campuses for students to pass information on to each other, bears have high-traffic areas inrepparttar 124834 wild where they leave messages for each other too.

When you get onrepparttar 124835 trail of a bear, if you follow it long enough, you will come to something most people will walk right by unless they know what to look for. Wherever major wildlife corridors and paths cross inrepparttar 124836 wild,repparttar 124837 trained eye can pick out signsthatrepparttar 124838 wildlife can see, smell, and sense a mile away.

In these "crossroads" you can find incredible signs. Like links we leave aroundrepparttar 124839 internet to let people know of our presence, bears leave their scent and marks in these wildlife "high-traffic" areas to either let other bears know to stay away from their turf, or to let bears ofrepparttar 124840 opposite sex know "Hey, I'm here, drop by sometime."

I can take you out inrepparttar 124841 woods in bear country and within a short period of time show you a bear "sign post" which is really just a tree, usuallyrepparttar 124842 biggest one inrepparttar 124843 area, where they scratch their backs and leave their hairs and scent.

They will also claw as high as they can, stretching up on their hind legs to leave marks to show how big they are. Again, either "Don't mess around in my territory or you'll be dealing with me" or "I'mrepparttar 124844 biggest most beautiful bear inrepparttar 124845 woods, wouldn't you like to meet me?"

I have linking onrepparttar 124846 brain, as many people know, from writing an awful lot about website marketing particularly inrepparttar 124847 linking department, and I have come torepparttar 124848 conclusion that I led myself into this niche of internet marketing because it is so much like tracking bears. (As much as sitting on your butt in air conditioning typing a computer can be.)

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