Top 5 Best Home-Based Business Ideas

Written by Detra D. Davis

I have been receiving child support payments and back-child support payments for over twenty years. I cannot begin to tell you howrepparttar child support checks have helped me provide for my daughter.

I used a portion of my child support funds to make more money in an effort to provide a better life for my child. If you really give it some thought I am sure you too can come up with a home-based business idea that will help you provide for your family. I created a home-based business because I could not afford to take on a second job; day care was just too costly.

These are difficult economic times for all parents but particularly for parents who have only one income. I am a firm believer that single parents must have several streams of income and operating a home-based business is one way to increase your income stream.

Consider operating one ofrepparttar 110697 5 home-based businesses. None involve a lot of start-up money and although they won’t make you a millionaire, they will allow you to provide forrepparttar 110698 additional needs of your family.

1.Home work Tutor Do you like to listen to your children read? Are you patient and caring? Do you visitrepparttar 110699 teacher’s store in your area buying little books that can help your own children read, write or do basic math? Would you like to help another child in your neighborhood? If you think you might be interested in helping children with their homework, become a homework tutor. There are busy parents who do not haverepparttar 110700 time to help their own children and would appreciate someone making sure their children understand and complete their homework. Remember parents are not only paying for your willingness to review their child’s home work, they are paying for your time and expertise. Make sure you provide parents with a weekly progress report and ask them to let their child’s teacher know they are working with a homework tutor, so your efforts will not be in vain.

2. Letter Writing Service

Several hundred years ago only clergymen and professionals were literate. Today even literate individuals need help writing letters, particularly written complaint letters and letters seeking a resolution or response to a concern. If you enjoyrepparttar 110701 research involved in helping to resolve everyday problems this may berepparttar 110702 home-based business for you. There is little doubt that you will encounter a wide variety of needs as a professional letter writer and your goal is not to solve a problem but to write in such a way that you bringrepparttar 110703 problem to light. Think carefully about who might need your services and why and remember there is power inrepparttar 110704 pen or inrepparttar 110705 keyboard.

3. Mystery Shopper

Can you shop till you drop? Would you like to get paid to shop? This may berepparttar 110706 home-based business that fits your schedule and fore fills your need to make extra money. Mystery shoppers, also known as secret shoppers have been around for many years. Their purpose is to complete service checks, performance evaluations and frontline evaluations along with other checks and balances requested byrepparttar 110707 company employingrepparttar 110708 mystery shopper. Mystery shoppers enable trained researchers to take a “birds-eye-view” of a shopper’s experience. It also allows managementrepparttar 110709 opportunity to quickly and efficiently evaluate their business practices, deliverables, and employees fromrepparttar 110710 perspective of a non-bias consumer. If you would like to learn more about becoming a mystery shopper visit:


Written by Detra D. Davis

There is no magic solution to getting issues surrounding child support resolved. Most parents know that when dealing withrepparttar bureaucracy tied torepparttar 110696 child support system persistence, persistence, persistence isrepparttar 110697 key that opensrepparttar 110698 door. In fact, it isrepparttar 110699 only thing that will open any door when it comes to getting a resolution to a problem. You cannot count on pencil pushers, or all too patient white collar “Friend ofrepparttar 110700 Court” workers to help. They are overworked, underpaid, wrapped in a sea of paperwork, antiquated computer programs, and red tape that barely allows them to move from point “A” to point “B”. So what’s a parent to do?

1.If your relationship even remotely appears to be onrepparttar 110701 rocks and children are involved start collecting information on your partner. This is advice for both men and women. Don’t fool yourself gentlemen; you too can become a custodial parent seeking child support from your partner. It may not berepparttar 110702 norm, but it is a reality. Don’t sneak around, and don’t feel as though you are going behind someone’s back. You have to do what is inrepparttar 110703 best interest of your children and yourself. Begin collecting bank account numbers, list of licenses, locations of stock/bond papers, money markets and past work/address history. Gather as much as you can. 2.Keep impeccable records. Writerepparttar 110704 names, addresses, phone and fax numbers to everyone you talk to concerning your child support case. You must hold people accountable and this is one way to do it. Don’t ever be afraid to ask a judge or referee, attorney orrepparttar 110705 child support worker of your case who they report to atrepparttar 110706 end ofrepparttar 110707 day. This will send a clear message that they will be held accountable for every word that comes out of their mouth so it better be in your best interest. 3.Parents who were married atrepparttar 110708 time of conception may not have an issue filing for a child support order and often times your divorce attorney will cover this matter in your initial interview. However ifrepparttar 110709 parents are not married, establishing paternity is essential if you expect to receive child support. Paternity means fatherhood. Establishing paternity providesrepparttar 110710 child/children with a legal father.

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