Top 3 Rules for Writing Effective Copy

Written by Ladan Lashkari

One thing all successful Internet marketers have in common is that they're good copywriters. If you want to have a profitable online business, you need to know how to write a copy that motivates people to buy your product... a copy that sells!

In this article, I'm going to reveal 3 important rules that you should follow to write persuasive copy. Put these tips into practice, and watch your sales start climbing almost immediately!


#1. Believe In Your Product


It doesn't matter how many books you've read about copywriting... your copy won't sell if you don't believe in your product. It's very important to believe your product will help your customers solve their problems and give them what they want.

You should believe that it's worth much more than they pay for it. What you think about your product and how much you believe in it is very important -- as much asrepparttar success of your copy depends on it.

Let me give you an example...

Let's say you want to sell an ebook titled How to Become a Professional Writer in 90 Days. You've never read this ebook and You don't know if it's good and worthrepparttar 138778 price. It's just an affiliate product that you've decided to sell to make money.

You create a website and write a sales letter to motivate people to buy it. You implement allrepparttar 138779 tips and tricks you've heard about copywriting: a killer headline, short paragraphs, etc. Now you expect to make a lot of money. You wait and wait. But what happens is... nothing!

Do you know why?

Yes, because you didn't believe inrepparttar 138780 product you wanted to sell. You didn't believe in what you said in your sales letter because you hadn't readrepparttar 138781 ebook yourself and had no idea how it was.

If you don't completely believe in your product,repparttar 138782 reader will know this through every word of your copy. He understands that something is wrong and it makes him hesitant to buy from you.

After all, if you don't believe in your own product, then how are you going to make them believe?


#2. "What's In It For Me?"


"So what?"

"What's in it for me?"

These arerepparttar 138783 questions people keep asking while reading your copy. All of us look for benefits in everything we do, so do your customers. They want to know how your product will solve their problems. Basically, they want to know "what's in it for them".

... And you should certainly answer this extremely important question.

Explain what problems they have right now and convince them that they should do something about them. Create a sense of urgency to solverepparttar 138784 problems. Then give themrepparttar 138785 solution: your product!

Tell them how your product will save their valuable time and money, bring them more happiness, money, health and so on. Make them imagine how wonderful their life will be with your product. Make them excited, very excited!

I give you an example...

Let's say that you want to write a copy for a very effective sleeping pill. First, you need to findrepparttar 138786 problems of your target market. What problems do people have who can't get a good, restful sleep?

2 Ways to Really Connect With Your Customer in Your Copywriting

Written by Bruce Carlson

Copyright © 2005 by Bruce Carlson

One ofrepparttar least talked-about areas in copywriting education is voice. This is probably because it’s tough to set general rules for something that’s so personal to each of us. After all,repparttar 138740 same things go into building your copywriting voice that go into making you who you are!

Personality, upbringing, environment, education, audience, purpose…all these and more go into forming your voice, no matter what kind of writing you’re doing.

In this article, I’d like to try to tacklerepparttar 138741 subject of voice in copywriting. I’ve identified a couple of areas that I believe arerepparttar 138742 most important when it comes to making your voice more credible when writing copy -- style and tone. By improving these two areas, you'll connect with your customer in a much more genuine way.


In my conversations with successful copywriters and marketers, I find that practically every one of them has an uncanny ability to communicate on a gut level with their customer or prospect. And that is one ofrepparttar 138743 main keys to their success.

How do they do this?

By removing internal editors, and writing as if they were speaking to a friend.

When you sit down to write, you need to make a psychological leap and forget everything you ever learned about writing in school.

Yes, I know that you’ve got those “ghosts of English teachers past” sitting on your shoulder and whispering in your ear about how you should write. But those internal editors need to be tossed out.

Instead, you need to write like you talk. This is much easier said than done, and requires some practice and work. If you have a hard time doing this, one possibility is to record yourself speaking your sales message first, and then to transcribe it afterwards. That way you’ll getrepparttar 138744 spoken spirit ofrepparttar 138745 language.

You’ll still need to edit it though, to get rid of “hesitation markers” like ummmm, uhhhhh, etc. You don’t want those sounds in your copy…

But more than anything, writing like you talk means being informal. One thing I see with novice copywriters is that, even though they might start to getrepparttar 138746 idea of writing like they talk, they’ll still “speak” formally, as if they were giving a (dull) public speech.

It’s true that ad copy from 50 years ago, especially direct mail sales letters, may have been a bit stiff and formal. And there may still be times when a certain level of formality is needed, depending upon your target market. But with Web sales copy, and especially with email copy, informal isrepparttar 138747 right way to go.

Informal style means breaking a ton of grammar rules. Which is what you do when you talk, anyway, at least in conversational speech. Use contractions (like can’t and won’t and I’ll…). And fragment sentences. And you can start sentences with “and”. Or with “or”.

And you can tail off sentences with ellipsis markers (those three dots)… Which is also a good way to show hesitation when writing, byrepparttar 138748 way, since you can’t userepparttar 138749 hesitation sounds you normally use in speech.

And you can have sentences that have only one or two words. Like this!

And you can use really short paragraphs to express a quick thought. Or a bit longer paragraphs to express a longer thought.

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