Top 3 Myths of Leadership Debunked

Written by Susan J. Schutz

What happens people define “leadership” as something attached to a title, or a salary, or a corner office? Both managers and employees sufferrepparttar consequences! Explore what happens when leaders and staff buy in torepparttar 103100 top 3 limiting “myths of leadership.” And learn how you can askrepparttar 103101 provocative questions that unleash everyone’s greatest potential in your organization.

Have you noticed that acrossrepparttar 103102 business world people are recognizing that we are fast outgrowingrepparttar 103103 thinking and language of hierarchy, but we're also struggling to create a new, more collaborative future? The challenge for all is to figure out how to operate in this emerging paradigm—the one that our own efforts are helping to shape.

As I work with top leaders in organizations and then, independently,repparttar 103104 staff they lead, I’m frequently struck byrepparttar 103105 gulf that occurs betweenrepparttar 103106 two inrepparttar 103107 early stages of change. Typically whatrepparttar 103108 leaders are trying to offer employees is very different than what’s being received by them. While a significant number of leaders begin with optimism about their efforts to engage everyone’s greatest wisdom, staff members can be slow to recognize and trustrepparttar 103109 intent of initiatives undertaken to empower them. Many employees simply don’t believe that their insights and decisions will really be valued so they continue to hold back. Some may be unwilling or feel unprepared to share in responsibility for whatrepparttar 103110 group creates. In their hesitancy they actually work againstrepparttar 103111 changes and make it more difficult to include them in creative and decision-making roles.

When members of either group become frustrated duringrepparttar 103112 creation of a new working order it’s easy to resort to what they know best—the behaviors ofrepparttar 103113 boss-subordinate relationship. Those with formal authority may again feel compelled to take up too much space (by using commanding words and actions), and followers too little space (by silencing their voices or talking only in whispers amongst themselves). When this occurs, leaders once more feel allrepparttar 103114 weight of responsibility on their shoulders, as well asrepparttar 103115 exhaustion that comes with constant staff resistance—a resistance they can no longer understand.

What accounts forrepparttar 103116 tension andrepparttar 103117 different perceptions that exist between two groups who must rely upon each other to maximize success?

Unfortunately, many myths and “old truths” about leadership linger and keep us caught inrepparttar 103118 snare of hierarchy. At every level of an organization these beliefs undermine a company’s potential greatness and cause unnecessary stress and dissatisfaction. These myths must be ferreted out and talked about in order for businesses to successfully, and more effortlessly, create a collaborative and effective culture.


1. LEADERS MUST HAVE FORMAL AUTHORITY. What happens when people throughoutrepparttar 103119 organization believe leaders must have formal authority? People see leadership as a position, rather than as an action or behavior accessible to everyone. It invites those with formal authority to value their own opinions over others, and it keeps people who don’t have it from stepping torepparttar 103120 plate and sharing in responsibility forrepparttar 103121 success ofrepparttar 103122 organization. It dividesrepparttar 103123 powerful fromrepparttar 103124 powerless, and createsrepparttar 103125 tendency forrepparttar 103126 people in these two camps to lob blame back and forth acrossrepparttar 103127 fence that separates them. Each group holdsrepparttar 103128 other responsible forrepparttar 103129 dynamics between them, and for bringing aboutrepparttar 103130 needed change.

2. LEADERS MUST HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS. Do leaders need to have allrepparttar 103131 answers? People tend to answer this question with a resounding “no,” but in everyday businessrepparttar 103132 myth creeps subtly in to do its damage. Many leaders secretly harbor feelings of inadequacy and incompetence as they try to speak with unconvincing expertise and authority on every aspect of their complex business. Atrepparttar 103133 same time, front line workers fault their leaders for lacking their own particular brand of genius and, consequently, ridicule or work against their efforts. Employees may almost arrogantly wait for a leader’s plan to fail, and take no responsibility for failures when they do occur.

Four color postcard printing: Made easy

Written by Marlon D. Ludovice

Every company is thinking of a better idea how to introduce their company inrepparttar market. But because business postcard is widely known for its capability to capturerepparttar 103099 interest and to gain more clientele, every single creative style of business card is maximized. Thus, giving us problems in creating our own style of cards that tailorsrepparttar 103100 business prospective.

Thus, we also think that creating a four color post card is too difficult to make, much more complex when it comes to printing…so creating a personal business four color postcard is a mess.

But basically, according torepparttar 103101 different websites I have visited. Creating your own business card is just as easy as counting one, two and three. Why is it so, because according to an online postcard printing company there are a lot of varieties in creating a four color postcard inrepparttar 103102 net. Just clickrepparttar 103103 webpage and presto u have your postcard making procedure.

Another reason why nowadays it’s easy to create your own business cards is because digital printing technologies are widely available to design your cards. You only have to send your data, and in an instant you will received your card right away. Not just an ordinary black-and-white prints but in beautiful colored representation of your designs in a soft glossy finish; professional-looking full color printed items that maximizes your marketing presence, or proudly present elegantly designed, colored prints suited for formal and or business gatherings.

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