Top 10 Tips for Growing Your Business with Direct Mail Postcards

Written by Martha Retallick

Introduction: Why Use Postcards?

If you've priced out display advertising or Yellow Pages listings, you know that they can add up to big money in a hurry. Quite often, these valuable promotional tools are beyondrepparttar budgets of many small and home-based businesses.

But since promotion is a necessity, even forrepparttar 121283 smallest of businesses, what can you do?

I've found a way around this dilemma by using four-color postcards. They've been an essential part of my marketing toolkit for more than six years, and they've brought thousands of (U.S.) dollars worth of business to my web and graphic design studio.

Here are my Top 10 Tips to help your grow your business with postcards.

Tip #1: Keep It Simple, Sister (or Sir).

The image onrepparttar 121284 front ofrepparttar 121285 postcard should be simple, but attractive. I've found that brightly colored cards pull a better response thanrepparttar 121286 dark, moody cards. So, I'd recommend that you save your artistic angst for some other medium.

You should also create an image that's easily comprehended. Why? Because your recipient will only give your card a one- or two-second glance before deciding to keep it or throw it away.

Tip #2: You Need a Good Mailing List.

There are many companies that will rent you a mailing list, and if you're targeting a specific industry, you'd be well advised to travel this route. Onrepparttar 121287 other hand, list rental fees aren't cheap, andrepparttar 121288 fees only cover one-time use ofrepparttar 121289 list.

When I first got started with postcard marketing, I could barely afford to pay my own rent, so mailing list rental was out ofrepparttar 121290 question. So I made my own mailing list instead.

I found names by flipping through directories of organizations I belonged to. The Rolodex on my desk was also a rich source of names. And since my first postcard promoted a website showcasing my family's business interests, my dad also contributed a lot of names. He still sends me a name now and then.

Before I put any name onrepparttar 121291 list, I ask myself if this person would be interested in hearing from me on an ongoing basis. If I think so, that individual goes onrepparttar 121292 list. If not, I keep 'em offrepparttar 121293 list.

Tip #3: Frequency is Important.

My dad is a man of very few words. He has this to say about promotion: "You gotta let 'em know you're still alive." In other words, a business that clients and prospects hear from is one that they'll keep in mind.

Andrepparttar 121294 flipside of that statement isrepparttar 121295 old adage, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind." That's why I make it a point to send nine or ten postcards each year.

Tip #4: Give Themrepparttar 121296 Old One-Two.

It's not enough to just send your cards. You need to follow up with your key clients and prospects. You know who they are, so phone, e-mail or visit with them within a week of any postcard mailing.

Tip #5: Pictures Good, Copy Better.

My first tip was aboutrepparttar 121297 type of image that should go onrepparttar 121298 front ofrepparttar 121299 card. Your image is important, because that's what getsrepparttar 121300 recipient's attention. Butrepparttar 121301 copy onrepparttar 121302 flipside is what helps makerepparttar 121303 sale.

Although entire libraries of books have been written onrepparttar 121304 subject of effective direct mail marketing copy, let me boil these books down to this essential fact: You want your copy to get your audience to do something.

What should your postcard copy inspire your audience to do? Well, that's up to you, but here are some ideas:

1. Visitrepparttar 121305 website you just created for a client.

Creating a Postcard Marketing System

Written by Martha Retallick

No doubt about it, creating nice postcards and sending them out to an appreciative audience is a lot of fun. But treating your postcard marketing efforts that way probably won't grow your business.

Your cards will grow your business when you think of them as tools in a marketing system. A successful postcard marketing system consists ofrepparttar following six steps:

Step #1: Idea Generation Step #2: Card Creation Step #3: Printing Step #4: Mailing Step #5: Follow-up with Prospects and Clients Step #6: Cost-Tracking and Evaluation of Results

Use this system by starting with Step #1, proceeding throughrepparttar 121282 next five steps, then repeatingrepparttar 121283 process, over and over again. Whyrepparttar 121284 repetition? Four reasons:

1. Marketing expert Jeffrey Lant is a big proponent of what he callsrepparttar 121285 "Rule of Seven." What it means is that people need to be exposed to your message at least seven times in 18 months before they're ready to buy from you.

2. Think for a moment: How many businesses do you hear from on a regular basis? Not too many, right? And inattention to customers can prove costly.

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