Top 10 Reasons Why I Reject Article Submissions

Written by Chris Yates

Each week I receive dozens of article submissions to my websites from aspiring authors, website owners, and entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, I can only use a small fraction ofrepparttar articles I receive becauserepparttar 120349 writers are making one ofrepparttar 120350 crucial mistakes listed below.

KEY POINT: When you submit articles to a newsletter/ezine publisher or a website owner, you have to remember that we aren't going to publish YOUR article for OUR customers and visitors unless it is a high quality article that gives something of value.

If you're writing articles like crazy, but getting very few of them actually published, then you might want to re-evaluate your approach. Are you making one of these crucial mistakes?

1. Poor Subject Matter: If you're going to bother to write an article, write about something that we're interested in reading about. In other words, address a problem and provide a solution. Articles that approach an old problem in a new way or with a new twist work well too -- you don't have to necessarily discover a whole new problem that no one else has ever though of before (If you discover a whole new problem and haverepparttar 120351 solution you better be thinking of product creation not just an article!).

2. Write with personality: No one likes to read text books. Put a little of your own personality into your writing and make it engaging and entertaining as well as informative. If you have a sense of humor, use it. You have a good chance of being published on one of my sites if you make me giggle... Belly laughs are nearly guaranteed to be published.

3. Write for your audience: Don't send an article aboutrepparttar 120352 value of protein inrepparttar 120353 American diet to a Russian Political website orrepparttar 120354 publisher of a podiatry newsletter... They don't care.

4. Write a decent sized article: I would much rather an article be a little bit too long than very short. Four hundred word articles just don't have enough meat in them. I'm not suggesting that you ramble, but you've got to give me some details if you want me to publish your piece.

5. Break up your article: Don't write your article in three long paragraphs. Break it up into smaller paragraphs with a few single lines, bullets, etc. to make it easier and more enjoyable to read. Again -- no one likes to read text books.

6. Spell Check and Grammar: I don't mind correcting a couple of mixed up letters now and then, but let's be reasonable -- spell check your articles. Grammar is another thing that bugs me. I know that I don't always get it perfect myself, but your grammar has to be reasonable. Some ofrepparttar 120355 people sending me articles need to take a high school English class.

How To Choose Keywords Before they Skyrocket in Popularity

Written by John Alexander

Long beforerepparttar days of researching phrases withrepparttar 120348 helpful online resources of today,repparttar 120349 art of keyword/phrase selection was often left just to guesswork. However, guesswork by today's highly competitive standards is just not good enough. So how is it possible to select a powerful traffic-pulling phrase in this fashion without researching it in real time? Better yet, is it possible to choose such a phrase and get positioned before it becomes popular?

Well of course it requires some research, but in a slightly different way. Every single day, we have a world of information that happens all around us. With all ofrepparttar 120350 focus onrepparttar 120351 Internet these days, we need to also consider giving our attention to other medias as well. We have television programs, we haverepparttar 120352 news andrepparttar 120353 radio which all bring us current and upcoming events. Withrepparttar 120354 news itself, there are often many ideas that can helprepparttar 120355 SEO to really think and plan ahead for some truly unique optimization strategies. I am talking aboutrepparttar 120356 potential of developing part of your client strategy around an upcoming newsworthy event. Of course it needs to be relevant and useful torepparttar 120357 target audience. It also needs to genuinely "relate".

If at first, it does not sound that exciting, let's think about it and give you an example.

Here is a simple example.

If I were promoting a video store online right now, one ofrepparttar 120358 things that I might be doing would, would be to optimize a page forrepparttar 120359 single search phrase "Johnny Eck." Perhaps an information or a tribute page would work.

But wait....Who was Johnny Eck, you ask?

A way back in 1932, there was a movie by Todd Browning called "Freaks" starring a man named Johnny Eck. The film "Freaks" was aboutrepparttar 120360 fictionalized lives of physically and mentally challenged people who, in them days, were exploited in what were commonly called "freak shows". Johnny Eck just so happen to be born into this world withoutrepparttar 120361 lower half of his body and was just one ofrepparttar 120362 "main actors" exploited in this rather unusual film which markedrepparttar 120363 end of Todd Browning's career as a Director.

Although you may have never heard of Johnny Eck, in over 60 years you can count onrepparttar 120364 fact that everyone will soon know who he is. The film "Freaks" (1932) already has a tremendous cult film following aroundrepparttar 120365 world.

So why optimize a page for a film which is over 70 years old?

What many people may not be aware of, is that a brand new movie based onrepparttar 120366 lives of Johnny Eckhardt is currently being produced. The new movie has a big budget, good script, and you can be certain that many, many people are going to plan to see this film on it's release. There's no way to predict for certain, but it'll probably be quite a blockbuster.

Simple Strategy: Optimize well and relate torepparttar 120367 audience

As part ofrepparttar 120368 strategy, you could prepare this optimized page offering to sellrepparttar 120369 old movie, which is now available on video. Onrepparttar 120370 same page, I would talk aboutrepparttar 120371 film. I would write about my remembrances of seeing it forrepparttar 120372 very first time. As strange asrepparttar 120373 film is, it makes quite a statement aboutrepparttar 120374 how so called "normal looking" people can be very cruel.

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