Top 10 Marketing Tips!

Written by Gary Eby

Information is King ofrepparttar World Wide Web. And for good reason - We Need It! I am referring to Internet Marketing Information of course.

There is not a single day that passes that I haven't learned at least one new marketing tip, Internet trick or piece of priceless advice that will keep me in high overdrive onrepparttar 121707 Information Superhighway.

More often than not, these will come from a book or informational software I've purchased.

I consider myself a fairly astute Internet marketer, but I am smart enough to know that I don't have allrepparttar 121708 answers. I can learn, as well as teach. Amazing how often some small pearl of wisdom comes shining through a thirty dollar tutorial that will either make me a lot of money, save me a lot of money or conserve that most precious of commodities - time.

I'm also an online life and business coach. Have been inrepparttar 121709 business for three years. As you know, marketing is one ofrepparttar 121710 great keys to successful e-commerce. Thought you might find these following suggestions helpful:

#1. Invest in a few online marketing courses. Learn how to use creative ways to bring people to your site. The more peoplerepparttar 121711 better. Some experts calculate it takes 700 hits to produce one sale! So get a free web page, and include all of your products and services on your page. Then blast your page all overrepparttar 121712 net!!

#2. Market your page daily with a combination system: FFA pages, classified ads, e-zines and yes even search engines--many free submissions are available with a little surfing time on your part.

#3. Have free stuff on your page that people actually find useful. Free mall stores, banners which pay you, and free classified ad sites are still very appealing.

Winners don't do different things, ...they do things differently!

Written by Amin Khan

OK.. Back torepparttar roads of success!

Before I revealrepparttar 121706 absolute TRUTH about online success, I want you to read this quote very carefully:

Winners don't do different things, ...they do things differently! (Shiv Khera)

When I first read this quote, it didn't get much of my attention. But as I started to work onrepparttar 121707 web, and my experience with Internet marketing grew substantially, I made it my success yardstick.

As you continue to read this article in it's intended logical flow, you will realize why "doing things differently" in simpler terms have SPECIAL meanings onrepparttar 121708 Web.

Once you understand this concept and build your business around it, driving that new red Ferrari onrepparttar 121709 streets of San Francisco will no longer be your dream. There's a lot more money to be made that way, but only if you do put in an honest effort to make it happen.

Don't worry, there's no rocket science here. In factrepparttar 121710 whole idea is so simple that an average individual can easily get hold ofrepparttar 121711 entire concept. And it is because of it's simplicity,repparttar 121712 technique is so easily ignored by many budding entrepreneurs.

Curious? Read on...

In part-I of this article, you've discoveredrepparttar 121713 undocumented truth aboutrepparttar 121714 ailing Internet businesses. You've learned whyrepparttar 121715 profit potential for these online businesses have gone down immensely.You've also been told that creating a "theme" product, or service for your "niche" market isrepparttar 121716 ONLY way that guarantees your success online.

Over here, we'll go a step further to find out what exactly is a theme based business, and how to successfully build it using simple down to earth techniques.

Ready? Here goes...

Okay, first let's figure out what exactly is a theme business...

Forrepparttar 121717 purpose of illustration, here's my definition of "theme business" in it's proper contextual meaning:

"A theme is focused on a narrowly defined business idea, or concept that takes birth by identifying a human need in an existing market."

I've been asked by many entrepreneursrepparttar 121718 following question repeatedly:

What makes a successful business online?

And here's my answer... "Create a theme based niche business"

But how? ...Easy! I advise you to go through these steps...

- Find a targeted niche market -- where you can find a gap - Figure out what your potential customer wants - Develop a product keeping in view her needs, and then - Offer it to her

Done! You're now on your way to create your own theme based niche business. Market it aggressively.

And here's my 7 points foolproof checklist to justify what I say:

1. Search engines are now using a technique called "theme indexing" to index your web pages instead of relying much on keyword density, gateway or doorway pages. Nowrepparttar 121719 actual 'site relevance' has more chances to get listed on top positions.

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