Top 10 Don'ts for Christmas

Written by Gary R. Hess

10. Don't stealrepparttar Santa from your neighbor’s yard

9. Don't blow uprepparttar 125340 little baby Jesus and try to replace it with your childhood G.I. Joe

8. Don't smokerepparttar 125341 mistletoe

7. Remember that not everyone is like you. Don't buy them that (insert your favorite Christmas gift here)

6. Don't throw yellow snowballs at your relatives

5. Don't sleep with your best friend's wife on Christmas, do itrepparttar 125342 day before

4. Don't tell your best friend that you’re sleeping with his wife. Wait until after you get your presents

Crack the Clandestine Code of Diamonds

Written by M J Plaster

Precious, brilliant and expensive—why wouldn't diamonds be a girl's best friend? When givingrepparttar most significant gift of a lifetime, most men, and evenrepparttar 125339 women who receive them, know precious little about diamonds. Byrepparttar 125340 time they're old and experienced enough to know about cut, shape, grade, brilliance, color, weight, and setting, they already haverepparttar 125341 diamond of a lifetime. Crackrepparttar 125342 vocabulary, and you'll be on your way to purchasing your first diamond with confidence.

The Four Cs

Diamonds are not created equally! "The Four Cs of Diamonds"— cut, clarity, color, and carat determine diamond grade. A diamond certificate accompanies each diamond and includes grades for each ofrepparttar 125343 four Cs as documented by a gemologist. Learn what these terms mean to avoid that "deer inrepparttar 125344 headlights" look whenrepparttar 125345 jeweler uses these terms.

Cut refers torepparttar 125346 physical cut, notrepparttar 125347 shape ofrepparttar 125348 diamond, and it affectsrepparttar 125349 brilliance ofrepparttar 125350 diamond. Ifrepparttar 125351 cut is too shallow or too deep,repparttar 125352 refraction ofrepparttar 125353 light detracts fromrepparttar 125354 brilliance. Grades for cut, from best to worst, include Ideal, Premium, Very Good, Good, Fair and Poor. The Ideal grade applies exclusively to round diamonds.

Clarity measuresrepparttar 125355 purity ofrepparttar 125356 diamond. Most diamonds include some flaws, called inclusions. All butrepparttar 125357 rare flawless diamonds contain inclusions of varying number and size. The Clarity grade measuresrepparttar 125358 purity ofrepparttar 125359 diamond,repparttar 125360 relative absence of flaws. Clarity gradesrepparttar 125361 appearance under 10X magnification. Top grades include F (flawless—forget it, you'll never see this), IF (internally flawless, you'll never afford it), VVS1-VVS2 (very, very slightly flawed—not we're getting a little more realistic), VS1-VS2 (very slightly flawed), and SI1-SI2 (slightly flawed). All butrepparttar 125362 VS1-VS2 and SI1-SI2 diamonds contain flaws that are invisible or barely visible under 10X magnification. Lesser grades include I1- -I3 (flawed and obvious without magnification). If price is a consideration, then invisible torepparttar 125363 naked eye is a reasonable tradeoff.

Color actually refers torepparttar 125364 absence of color in diamonds. The finest diamonds are colorless, which allows them to absorb and reflect more light, displaying more brilliance. White diamonds range from ice white to light yellow. Color is graded on a scale from D-Z, with D-grade diamonds being colorless and Z-grade diamonds containingrepparttar 125365 most color. Grades G-J are near colorless torepparttar 125366 human eye, and offerrepparttar 125367 best value forrepparttar 125368 money.

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