Top 10 Design Issues According To Web Marketing!

Written by Martin Lemieux

Top 10 Design Issues According To Web Marketing! By: Martin Lemieux

When it comes to designing your site, there are 2 ways you can ultimately go. a) Designing for yourself and no one else, b) Designing to fit web marketing and customer attracting methods.

Here arerepparttar top 10 issues you should always consider:

1) Flash vs. HTML vs. ASP vs. PHP: The type of code you use for your site may have a huge impact.

- Flash is not yet ready to fully intergrate within web marketing. Although technology is advancing, search engines aren't moving quickly enough to include this style of coding in their rankings.

- ASP, if your site is completely data base driven, make sure that your code is writen intorepparttar 132595 page, not being pulled from tables everytime. Also, make sure to pre-plan your meta tags withinrepparttar 132596 data base. Too many data bases out there never implement a meta tag strategy.

- PHP/Java : These are both safe programming methods, just remember to keep it clean and simple. Don't forget to test your programming.

- HTML : Probably always going to berepparttar 132597 programming method of choice when it comes to servicing search engines and user friendly web sites.


2) Always test your site for bugs. Even if you think your programming is perfect, most times it's not. Search engines / Visitors will browse your site with more ease. Test your site here: oolbox/html-code.htm or here:


3) Make your site look as proffesional as you can. If you can't hire a web designer / graphic designer, go out and spend a little bit of money and buy yourself a really great template for your site.


4) Put up your site for reviews! This is so important because other people's reviews will reflect exactly what your visitors will think. Openin up to some reviews will create more sales. You can add your site for review here:

Are you scaring visitors away from your site instead of attracting them to it?

Written by Akanksha Sinha

Have you ever wondered why your "perfect" website is not generatingrepparttar kind of traffic you hoped it would? Time for a reality check! Maybe your website isn't as perfect as you thought! Heart broken? Don't be it's not too late to correct those mistakes...Begin Now!

Here are some ofrepparttar 132593 most common mistakes people make while building their websites:


Broken links and dead links can cause a lot of damage to your website. Make sure all your links work - There is nothing more annoying to your visitors than clicking on a link only to find a ‘page cannot be displayed' error message!


Don't put a link on your site that takes you to a ‘page under construction!' Putrepparttar 132594 link onrepparttar 132595 site when you have something to offer. Don't toy with your visitors' time, patience and emotions!!! Oh! And please take off that annoying ‘page under construction' logo right NOW!!!


Pop ups should be used wisely, if at all! Don't drive your visitors crazy with multiple pop-up windows flooding their screen. They will never forgive you forrepparttar 132596 time and effort they had to waste in closing those pop-ups!!!


Avoid using black as your page background color. It not only makes it difficult to readrepparttar 132597 content on your website but also makes your site look illegal and spammy! Make sure that your site conveys useful information to your visitors and inrepparttar 132598 process convinces them that you are worth doing business with.


Makerepparttar 132599 content on your website easy to read, grasp and follow. Use font sizes that will not strainrepparttar 132600 eyes while reading. The content should gel well with your overall page format. Use slightly bigger and bold text for main headings as compared to your body copy.

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