Too Late?

Written by Rosalyn Bronstein

Too Late?

Why is it that we tend to value relationships more once they've ended? Is it simply human nature to take for grantedrepparttar smile of someone close,repparttar 111176 friendship of a relative,repparttar 111177 concern of a neighbour? Inrepparttar 111178 moment, we think that these people will be around forever. Most of us never stop to imagine all those who have a profound impact on our lives.

It's so easy to justify this casual attitude by saying we are too busy, too tired, too involved with work, too concerned about money, andrepparttar 111179 list of excuses goes on and on. So enjoying a friendship may be put off for one day, and then another. Before long, feelings have faded, and there is less incentive to get together. Almost relegated to a chore now, precious moments become something to endure.


Written by Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes

Contact: Description: Family activities/recipes for St. Patrick’s Day and spring Word Count: 355 Copyright 2004 Nine Twenty Press You have permission to reprint this article electronically or in print, free of charge, provided that each article is: 1. Printed in its full form with no changes 2. Includes an active link 3. A courtesy copy of your publication is sent torepparttar above contact 4. Andrepparttar 111175 following byline appears atrepparttar 111176 bottom of each article: Aboutrepparttar 111177 Authors: Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes arerepparttar 111178 co-authors ofrepparttar 111179 award-winning book Together: Creating Family Traditions. To check out their website that's jam packed with family ideas, visit To subscribe to their online newsletter, go to




This month, our theme is Think Green. Spring is just aroundrepparttar 111180 corner. Even though there is still snow onrepparttar 111181 ground in many parts ofrepparttar 111182 country, here inrepparttar 111183 South our daffodils have already begun to bloom. You too, can enjoy a little bit of spring indoors. Use your green thumb to try planting some seeds in a terrarium or forcing some bulbs.

Did you know thatrepparttar 111184 shamrock, or three-leafed clover, is a sacred plant in Ireland because it symbolizesrepparttar 111185 rebirth of spring? Check your local nurseries. Many will carry shamrocks on or around St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th.

Speaking of St. Patrick’s Day, children love fables of leprechauns. In Celtic folktales, ornery leprechauns were notorious forrepparttar 111186 tricks they used to protect their pots of gold. Here, we’ve included our own concoction, fit for any leprechaun.

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