To Prevent The Cancer Diagnosis, You Should....

Written by Bill Henderson

All my experience watching people "get" and overcome cancer can be boiled down into one sentence: What we put in our mouth causes and reverses all degenerative diseases. All of them can be avoided and overcome by correcting what we put in our mouth (just another way of sayingrepparttar same thing).


So, first things first. Detoxify your body and avoid cancer (and all other degenerative diseases) by fixing your diet. Stop eating processed food (hydrolized this and hydrogenated that), dairy, red meat, sugar and other sweeteners (even honey and maple syrup), preservatives and chemicals. Stop drinking coffee and alcohol and using cigarettes and prescription drugs. Hmmmmm. Tall order.

[Of course, I'm not recommending that you stop taking prescription drugs immediately. Consult your doctor. In Chapter 1 of my book are 11 website directories of "holistic" doctors who are sympathetic with this approach and will help you gradually elim- inate your prescription drugs -- all of which have side effects.]

Diet books abound. Many are worthless. The theories in one are contradicted by those in another. Find any book by John McDougall, Susan Powter, Robert Pritikin, Gary Null, Dean Ornish, Neal Barnard and Terry Sintani. You'll get sound advice on your diet. They describe a diet {and give you tasty recipes) based on whole grains, beans, most vegetables, some local fruit and small amounts of poultry and seafood (if your system is compatible with seafood). This is how you get and stay well.

Did you know that many studies with fruit flies and mice (they live conveniently short lives) show that restricting your calories to 30-40% less than what you are now eating will extend your life expectancy by 40%, no matter when you start it. Amazing but true. The same effect can be obtained by fasting every other day.

The Japanese are first inrepparttar 101404 world in life expectancy (average 81.9 years). The French are 7th. The U.S. is 23rd. Why do you think this is true? The average American eats 170 pounds of sugar every year. Junk food and processed food with no nutrients cut our life span by years and ensure that most of us will suffer from prolonged degenerative disease before we die.

Changing your diet isrepparttar 101405 least expensive and most productive thing you can do to improve your health and lifespan. I began getting this right when I married my present wife in 1995. I was 64.


OK, you've heard it since grade school. Exercise is good for you. But did you know that gradually building up to one hour a day of strenuous exercise (where it is difficult but not impossible to talk torepparttar 101406 person next to you) doesn't just benefit your bones, muscles, tendons, endurance, etc.? It also affects your cellular health and avoids cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteo- porosis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and virtually all other degenerative disease.

The Best Cancer Treatment Options (Article 6 of 6)

Written by Bill Henderson

OK, enough ofrepparttar philosophy! What, specifically, do I recommend you take to overcome your cancer and get "cancer-free." [We're not usingrepparttar 101403 word "cure" simply because, as you recall, we're healthy with just a million or so cancer cells being produced every day by our cell division process.]

So, you have gotten a start on changing your lifestyle -- diet, exercise and supplements. You have started on a program to stimulate your immune system. What's next?


You're battling cancer. Don't kid yourself. It is a formidable foe. You don't just continue your normal routine of a stressful workday, emotional stress, travel, etc. You must make cancer your "life" until you overcome it. But you can overcome it, as millions of others have. I know several hundred of them personally and I admire each and every one. This is like a military campaign. You have to have a good strategy, and then, you must employrepparttar 101404 best weapons.

I can't recommend specific treatments for individuals. There are liability problems with doing that. I'm a "reporter," not a medical professional. What I can do is describe for you what I would do if I "had" cancer. What type of cancer? It would not matter. I would pursuerepparttar 101405 same course if it were colon, lung, prostate, or pancreatic cancer -- or even if it were leukemia or lymphoma or melanoma. There are some specific things I would take, in addition, if I had certain kinds of cancer. These are discussed in detail in my book. But, in general, this is a regimen I would follow regardless ofrepparttar 101406 type or stage ofrepparttar 101407 cancer.


* Cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. What? Are you kidding? No, dead serious. You'll findrepparttar 101408 details and lots of testimonials in Chapter 5 of my book. I can't go into detail here, but rest assured that thousands of cancer patients patients have been healed with this substance first discovered by Dr. Johanna Budwig, a 100-year-old German cancer doctor who has been nominated for seven Nobel prizes for her work withrepparttar 101409 science of lipids (fats) in human cells. I eat this every day for prevention. It's food (substitutes for at least one meal a day) so costs nothing...Nada.

* Dr. Matthias Rath's formula. It is a mixture of Vitamin C, L-lysine and L-proline (two amino acids). Not impressed? Well, this formula happens to control metastasis (the spreading of cancer cells). The only way cancer can kill you is through metastasis. Fortunately, there is a source for this formula which costs about one-sixth of what Dr. Rath charges for it. That source, for lots of supplements at wholesale prices, is Their product, which copiesrepparttar 101410 Dr. Rath formula is called "Heart Plus." You get a "double-whammy" because it also prevents heart disease. Cost: $0.32 a day.

* Barley Power from Green Supreme, Inc. This powerful stuff gives you 3,000 enzymes (all there are) plus a stiff dose of alkalinity. Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline body. This isrepparttar 101411 cheapest and best barley product I know of. Every cancer patient should take at least 20 of these tablets a day. Readrepparttar 101412 story ofrepparttar 101413 83-year old cancer survivor who recovered from Stage 4 metastasized stomach cancer using only these tablets. It's in Chapter 5 of my book "Cancer-Free." Cost: $1.40 a day.

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