To Make News, Become Newsworthy

Written by Rusty Cawley

Far too often,repparttar CEO calls inrepparttar 121038 PR team and says, “Get us some news media coverage.” All too seldom doesrepparttar 121039 CEO stop to think, “What do we have to offer thatrepparttar 121040 news media would want to cover?”

The PR Rainmaker knows: Before you can attract a reporter, you must have something to report. It doesn’t get any more basic than that. And yet so many executives, professionals and entrepreneurs fail to comprehend this simple fact.

Instead, they have their flack callrepparttar 121041 reporter and say something along these lines: “We have a great company and a terrific CEO. Are you interested in doing a story on us?”

Reporters hear this sort of lame pitch day in, day out. And you know what? It rarely works.

When it does work, it is becauserepparttar 121042 journalist is very inexperienced or was already interested in your company before you called.

Beware of either situation.

Four Secrets to Energizing Your News Story

Written by Rusty Cawley

Every news story must have a FACE. If your forget to put a FACE on your story proposal, your chances of interesting a reporter are nil.

All true PR Rainmakers faithfully practice this fundamental every time they design a story proposal forrepparttar news media.

By FACE,repparttar 121037 PR Rainmaker means:

 F: Feelings

 A: Analysis

 C: Crisis

 E: Energy

These arerepparttar 121038 elements of a well-crafted story proposal. Let’s look at each part one by one.

1. Feelings arerepparttar 121039 emotions that your story stirs withinrepparttar 121040 reporter, and thusrepparttar 121041 reader.

The seven basic emotions are love, hate, anger, fear, sorrow, envy and greed.

There are endless degrees, combinations and variations on these seven. (For example, “pity” is fear blended with sorrow.

“Rage” is an extreme form of “anger.”). Your story must strongly arouse one, and only one, of these basic emotions. (Note that only one of these emotions, “love,” is positive. This is one reason why news is almost always negative.)

2. Analysis providesrepparttar 121042 logic that sellsrepparttar 121043 story. Feelings openrepparttar 121044 door with a reporter, but logic closesrepparttar 121045 sale.

Analysis may come inrepparttar 121046 form of numbers, statistics, data, studies, surveys or expert commentary.

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