To Do or NOT to Do…That is the Question!

Written by Kathy Paauw

A colleague of mine recently shared that she enjoys procrastination so much that she has decided to give herself permission to do it daily. So, once a day she sits down and plans, schemes, and lists anything that comes to mind -- particularly things she knows she "should" do. She said that "it feels delicious constructing those plans with full awareness that I'll probably not carry them out! Who cares? The fun is inrepparttar planning!" She reported that since she started allowing this frivolity, she gets it out of her system in one sitting, and she no longer feelsrepparttar 101999 desire to procrastinate. She has cut in halfrepparttar 102000 amount of time she "wastes" in this manner, which has freed her to fillrepparttar 102001 time more productively. She says, "Since it's going to happen anyway, why not be at choice?"

A few hours after I read my colleague's e-mail about how she plans to procrastinate, Oprah was on TV interviewing life coach Martha Beck about how to de-stress your life. During her interview with Oprah, Martha suggested that instead of making a To Do list, we make a NOT To Do list.

That same week, I came torepparttar 102002 realization that I had over committed myself when I agreed to be part of a weekly teleconference meeting overrepparttar 102003 next eight weeks. As I thought aboutrepparttar 102004 topic ofrepparttar 102005 teleconference, I had to laugh. The Teleconference topic -- Balancing Between Work and Life - hit a nerve. I realized I was getting out of balance myself!

How often do you commit to something that you later regret, and then say to yourself, "Well, I HAVE TO DO IT because I gave my word!" Then you go on your way, grumbling about how over committed and stressed out you are. That's what I used to do, and I am getting better at recognizing when it's in my best interest to renegotiate commitments I have made. In this case, I renegotiated my participation inrepparttar 102006 teleconference, and by doing so I have freed up several hours a week of my time overrepparttar 102007 next eight weeks.

I think it is more than coincidence that I was bombarded with similar messages from several different sources, all withinrepparttar 102008 same week. Perhapsrepparttar 102009 universe was telling me something that I needed to hear…and just in time for March Forth Day and National Procrastination Week, which coincide with each otherrepparttar 102010 first week in March.

Last year at this time I wrote an article titled March 4th…Time to March Forth! located at andrepparttar 102011 year before that my March article was titled Fear Not! - The Perfectionist's Credo -- an article about procrastination found at To do or not to do -- to march forth or to procrastinate -- that isrepparttar 102012 question. Or IS thatrepparttar 102013 question?

It occurred to me that perhapsrepparttar 102014 best way to march forth in my life is to NOT do some things, to just say NO! I think that's why my colleague enjoys her procrastination exercise so much, and why Martha Beck has helped so many of her clients reclaim their lives by creating a NOT To Do list. We're all too busy being busy! Meanwhile, life is passing us by.

Several years ago I made a poster that says, "Every time I say YES to someone or something, I am saying NO to someone or something else." (Remember, I'm a recovering workaholic!) This poster has helped me make better decisions about what I say YES and NO to. Given that procrastination means not doing something, perhaps one ofrepparttar 102015 reasons that many of us procrastinate is because our lives are so full of things that deserve to be on our NOT To Do lists. Of course, there are also many other reasons for procrastinating. What is possible once you de-clutter your life of activities and commitments that are not top priority to you? What does your NOT To Do list contain?

Just Say NO! "It's easy to say 'no!' when there's a deeper 'yes!' burning inside." --Stephen Covey As an organizing consultant, I get calls every week from individuals who suffer from stress, disharmony, and sometimes dysfunction. People call me asking for assistance getting organized. I often ask, "What will getting organized do for you?" These are some ofrepparttar 102016 replies I hear: "If I didn't waste so much time looking for things, I could focus on things that are really important that I just don't have time for now," or "I'd have more time to relax and do things I enjoy."

Although a good storage or filing system and tickler file will help my clients find things quickly and remember important follow-up, there is no organizational system inrepparttar 102017 world that will fully addressrepparttar 102018 most common concern that I hear from nearly every person who calls me-not enough time. Visit to read more about a remarkable filing system that can help you find ANYTHING in 5 seconds or less. Visit ickler_file.html to read more about how to set up a tickler file and to view a photo ofrepparttar 102019 accordion part ofrepparttar 102020 customized tickler file system.

We all have 168 hours a week. You say that's not enough? What if you could wave a magic time wand and add an extra day to each week -- for a total of 192 hours a week. Would that be enough? I'll bet not! It'srepparttar 102021 buffet syndrome! Whether we get a smaller plate or a larger plate, most of us will fill it torepparttar 102022 rim at an all-you-can-eat buffet!

I frequently tell my clients that organizing their time and environment without first clarifying their priorities is like rearranging deck chairs onrepparttar 102023 Titanic. Since more time will not solverepparttar 102024 problem,repparttar 102025 other alternative is to have less stuff you "gotta do." The NOT To Do List "With so many options and choices nowadays, you will have to start saying no to some ofrepparttar 102026 good things in order to accommodaterepparttar 102027 best things." --Harold Taylor

How do you determine what goes on your NOT To Do list? Here are some suggestions: FIRST, get clear onrepparttar 102028 big picture. What is most important to you?

Not Making A Choice Is A Choice

Written by Coach Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, MS, PCC, CTC

Not making a choice is a choice. Letting things happen by default is a choice. If we choose to give up our right to make a choice - we have made a choice. We always have choices, even if we do not likerepparttar ones available. Not liking a choice does not mean we do not have a choice. We are constantly presented with choices. Every day we make hundreds of them, some small, some large, and some life changing. Each choice that we make shapes our lives and determines what other choices will be available to us.

I remember when a therapist introduced me torepparttar 101998 concept of not choosing. I thought she was nuts. After all, if I did not choose, then anything that happened was not my fault. It took years for me to understand that when we don't make a choice and we simply let things happen, or we let others make our choices for us, we have given up our personal power. At times it can feel freeing to give othersrepparttar 101999 opportunity to choose for us. After all, if they choose it, it is their responsibility, right? Wrong. Giving uprepparttar 102000 right to choose does not mean we give up responsibly. We are still responsible, even if we choose to be irresponsible.

At times,repparttar 102001 only choice we have is to choose our attitude and how we will respond. These choices are powerful because they allow usrepparttar 102002 power to stay in control ofrepparttar 102003 internal even if we cannot controlrepparttar 102004 external. Choice is a conscience response. That response is compelling because it allows us to make choices over how we will act in any given moment. When we choose our responses, we decreaserepparttar 102005 number of times we will regret doing something that we felt we were forced to do.

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