Titles Sell Tips Booklets

Written by J Black

The title you choose for your tips booklet can berepparttar difference between a product that sells well and one that doesn't.

In every powerful title or headline is a "hidden code" that is actually a generic formula to get attention and create desire inrepparttar 129580 buyers mind. This is part ofrepparttar 129581 formula commonly used in advertising.

A - Attention I - Interest D - Desire A - Action Example:

The book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie first published in 1936 has sold over 10 million copies worldwide. His other book "How to Stop worrying and Start Living" has also sold steadily both of which userepparttar 129582 formula "how to...and..." effectively for bothrepparttar 129583 book titles and inrepparttar 129584 mail order advertising campaign.

Generally titles that have an emotional appeal and solve a common problem tend to do extremely well.

"Think and grow rich" by Napolean Hill and "The lazy Man's Way to Riches" by Joe Karbo have sold millions of copies simply by appealing torepparttar 129585 emotions and providing a solution to a common problem.

Another type of title that tends to do well is what is known asrepparttar 129586 "teaser" title. "What your............isn't telling you"

A majority of people tend to buy tips booklets after they have experienced a problem. The demand for booklets that are targeted towards problem prevention tend to berepparttar 129587 least popular from a selling point of view.


Many people are unconcerned with particular health problems (Asthma, allergies, diabetes etc) until they experiencerepparttar 129588 problem on a personal level andrepparttar 129589 title "How to Live with your....... " or "12 Tips for Coping with....." has a greater selling potential thanrepparttar 129590 title "How to prevent ......."

Becoming an Online Word Compactor

Written by Mike Morgan

Writing for online publication differs from writing for print. One difference is length; online pieces tend to be less than 1,000 words in length. Long text passages are difficult to read on-screen, sorepparttar key to writing successfully online is to become a "word compactor".

If you follow a few simple rules, you'll have no problem writing articles that online publishers will love.

1. Use a summary lead and closing. Open with one or two sentences that summarize your position, and close with one or two sentences that reinforce your point, and tie back to your opening somehow.

2. The online audience is so large that you can, and should, pick a very narrowly-focused topic. You don't want to write about "Grooming Your Dog"; you want to write about "How to Createrepparttar 129579 Perfect Poodle-tail Pom- Pom". Once you have a very narrow focus in mind, stick to it religiously. Cut any sentence that doesn't directly relate to that focus.

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