Titles Sell Books

Written by Judy Cullins

Titles Sell Books Judy Cullins © 2003 All Rights Reserved

A clever title is great if it is clear, but a clear title is always preferable. The best? A clear and clever title. A shorter title is better than a longer one. Your reader will spend only four seconds onrepparttar cover. While some long titles have succeeded, usuallyrepparttar 129270 shorter,repparttar 129271 better.

A title is part of your book's front cover. Busy buyers including bookstore buyers, wholesalers, distributors and your audiences buy mainly because ofrepparttar 129272 cover. Dan Poynter, author of Writing Nonfiction, says, "The package outside sellsrepparttar 129273 product inside." Make your cover sizzle.

Start with a working title before you write your chapters. Include your topic, your subject and userepparttar 129274 book's benefits in your sub title if possible. Here's your ten tips for titles that sell:

1. Create impact for your title-check out print and radio ad headlines. Check out other authors' titles onrepparttar 129275 bookstore shelves. Your title must compelrepparttar 129276 reader to buy now.

Which title grabs you? Elder Rage or Caregiving for Dad?

2. Include your solution in your title. Does your title sell your solution? Make sure it answersrepparttar 129277 question rather than asks one. For instance, Got Minerals?, or Minerals: The Essential Link to Health. Use positive language instead of negative. For instance, Without Minerals You'll Die can be Minerals: The Essential Link to Health.

3. Make it easy for readers to buy. Readers want a magic pill. They want to follow directions and enjoyrepparttar 129278 benefitsrepparttar 129279 title promises. For example, 1001 Ways to Market Your Books by John Kremer gives at least 1001 ways for authors and publishers to market their books.

4. Expand your title to other books, products, seminars, and services. Make sure that your title will work well withrepparttar 129280 title of your presentations, articles and press releases you'll need to promoterepparttar 129281 book. Such seminars and teleclasses titled "How to Write and Sell Your Book- Fast!" and "Seven Sure- Fire Ways to Publicize your Business" come underrepparttar 129282 umbrella "fast book writing, publishing and promoting."

5 Essential Online Tools for Writers and Publishers

Written by Jinger Jarrett

Writing a newsletter or article can be very time consuming.

First, you have to create your content. Then you have to organize it. Fortunately, there are plenty of great tools online you can use and don't require you to clog your computer with more software.

Best of all, each of these tools is absolutely free to use.

Here are five tools you can use to help you with your newsletters and articles:

1. Newsletter Template Formatting your newsletter will probably give you more headaches than anything else.

You want to make it easy for your readers to read, and you want it to look professional when you send it out.

This site solvesrepparttar problem. All you have to do is selectrepparttar 129268 parts you want to include in your newsletter, cut and pasterepparttar 129269 elements, and hit submit. It will completely format your newsletter for you, and you can even get some great tips and resources to help you with your newsletter.


2. Email Formatting Utility Ever gotten a really great forward in your email you wanted to use, but it was too time consuming to take all ofrepparttar 129270 >> out of it?

You don't have to do that anymore. This email formatting utility will strip any unecessary tags for you. You can also use it to format your newsletters and emails torepparttar 129271 right character count.


3. Article Formatter Ok, I admit it. Before I found this utility I used to cut and paste my articles into my word processing program just so I could get a word count.

Now you don't have to do that. Not only will this online tool give you a word count, it will also format your articles in an attractive format for submission.

This site is offered byrepparttar 129272 Freelance Writing Organization Int'l a large database of information for freelance writers.

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