Titillate your kids minds with word games

Written by David D. Deprice

If you think your children play to many computer games - try this trick. Get them to play word games known to both develop kids mentally while improving their spelling. It works!

Spelvin http://www.deprice.com/spelvin.htm

Spell as many words as you can with 7 letters. Userepparttar Hold buttons and then pull Spin to refreshrepparttar 146618 tiles you wish weren't there. Play Spelvin as you scramble for words and gamble with Juice to spin for better letters.

Word Mojo Gold http://www.deprice.com/wordmojogold.htm

Prepare yourself for an exciting new word game that takes spelling and creating chains of words to new levels of fun. Simply create intersecting words overrepparttar 146619 random colored tiles to acquire 3 or more Mega Mojo Letters and you'll advance torepparttar 146620 Mega Mojo round. Exceed your target score each round and you've got major Mojo!

Flip Words http://www.deprice.com/flipwords.htm

You'll flip over our new word game: Flip Words. Click on letters to make words and solve familiar phrases. The first letter of each word you make will be revealed inrepparttar 146621 phrase you're trying to solve. Once you recognizerepparttar 146622 phrase, you can submit your guess or try to reveal allrepparttar 146623 letters for a special bonus. You'll never run out of phrases because you can create your own and automatically download new phrases created by others. You can even save your game and resume it later!

Make Your Baby Shower a Success with the Perfect Table Setting Decorating Idea

Written by Randy Wilson

The perfect table setting decorating idea will be determined by three main things. First, by whererepparttar shower is being held. Second, byrepparttar 146582 theme you have chosen for your baby shower. Thirdly, byrepparttar 146583 tastes ofrepparttar 146584 guest of honor andrepparttar 146585 guests you have invited.

Listed below arerepparttar 146586 items you will need for a successful table setting. Keep in mind that your own decorating idea/s will have a bearing onrepparttar 146587 table arrangement. Only you knowrepparttar 146588 guests,repparttar 146589 mother to be and family members. The items suggested below are only that, suggestions. They are to be used as hints to help you plan a successful baby shower.

  • Table Cloths: Linen and/or lace tablecloths would be used for a formal setting. For an informal party use paper tablecloths, or sheets with a design that fitsrepparttar 146590 theme.

  • Napkins: Napkins can be personalized withrepparttar 146591 names ofrepparttar 146592 guests written on them. White napkins would fit any theme. Or you could use colored napkins or napkins with designs matching your baby shower theme. You could wraprepparttar 146593 utensils withrepparttar 146594 napkin for a nice look.

  • Novelty Napkins: Baby cloth diapers folded in a triangle shape would be a nice touch. Personalizing them withrepparttar 146595 name ofrepparttar 146596 guests is an option. Or leave them blank, andrepparttar 146597 guests can give them torepparttar 146598 mother to be to use for her new baby afterrepparttar 146599 shower. Baby bibs personalized or not, with different designs fittingrepparttar 146600 theme ofrepparttar 146601 shower.

  • Napkin Rings: Use regular napkin rings, or you could be creative. Pacifiers could be used,repparttar 146602 ones withrepparttar 146603 loop onrepparttar 146604 end. Rollrepparttar 146605 napkins up and use different colored diaper pins to keep them rolled up. Another idea is to use baby rattles with a looped end.

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