Tips to Healthier Living

Written by Shannon Kadlec

Working to live a longer life shouldn't be work or stressful but just torepparttar contrary. You should enjoy life andrepparttar 115737 pursuit to living better and longer. Here are a few tips that will help you in that pursuit. They are all simple and, frankly, it will enhance your life!

1. Sleep enough. The average American does not sleep anywhere near enough each night and does not sleep well enough. Lack of sleep slows down your metabolism and potentially increasesrepparttar 115738 severity of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

2. To reducerepparttar 115739 risk of potentially disabilitating diseases such as arthritis, maintain a healthy weight. A good way to do this i s eat a lot of fiber and always fill 3/4 of your plate with grains, vegetables, legumes and fruit. The last quarter of your plate should be meat, chicken or fish. This will keep your fat intake down and nutrients high. Also, eat early inrepparttar 115740 day. Do not makerepparttar 115741 final meal ofrepparttar 115742 dayrepparttar 115743 largest. Your largest meal should be lunch. The final meal should consist ofrepparttar 115744 least food. And always drink plenty of water. Have a glass of water before you begin eating each meal. This will help your body digestrepparttar 115745 food quicker and allow you to eat less.

3. Always use sunscreen on all parts of your body exposed to repparttar 115746 sun including your lips. Even inrepparttar 115747 winter and on cloudy days, it is important. Damaging UV rays can cut straight through clouds and are amplified by snow inrepparttar 115748 winter. Radiation can also damage blood vessels and even inhibit immune reactions inrepparttar 115749 skin.

4. A recent study done atrepparttar 115750 Harvard Nurses' School reported by Katie Hansen Bruno, "Women who are all-around health conscious-exercise, eat right, maintain a normal weight, drink occasionally, and don't smoke-reduce their chance of heart disease by an amazing 82 percent".

5. As we age, our bodies are less able to absorbrepparttar 115751 nutrients that they need. It is very important to supplement your body withrepparttar 115752 nutrients that it needs. The nutrients that are less able to be absorbed are vitamins D, C, B6, B12 and folic acid as well as many minerals such as zinc. Also many supplements that are purchased overrepparttar 115753 counter are not absorbed very well byrepparttar 115754 body. Most nutrients that you intake are washed out of your body without any absorption. Please contact me if you are interested in receiving vitamins that are scientifically proven to be absorbed by your body.(

The Atkins Diet - Separating Fact From Fiction

Written by Nick Nilsson

Have you ever wished for a diet where you ate bacon, eggs, red meat, butter and sausage all day? Surprise! It’s notrepparttar Atkins Diet.

The Atkins Diet has been in existence for over 30 years and has enjoyed a surge in popularity overrepparttar 115736 last few years.

Pioneered by Dr. Robert Atkins,repparttar 115737 theory behindrepparttar 115738 Atkins Diet is simple. Your body prefers to utilize carbohydrates (such as in grains, cereals, breads, etc.) for energy and will burn them first prior to body fat. By cutting down dramatically on carbohydrates in your diet, you force your body to burn fat for energy.

Reducingrepparttar 115739 carbohydrates in your diet puts your body into a state called "ketosis." This word is derived fromrepparttar 115740 "ketones" that are used by your body for energy when sugars/carbs aren’t available. When you are in this state of ketosis, your body is producing ketones from your fat that is being burned for energy. Ketones are essentiallyrepparttar 115741 leftovers from this process and are used in place of sugar inrepparttar 115742 body.

For more information on ketosis, go to

One ofrepparttar 115743 major misconceptions aboutrepparttar 115744 Atkins Diet that has been widely reported is that you can or should eat extremely unhealthy, fatty foods allrepparttar 115745 time. This is not actually true. Dr. Atkins recommends that you limit your intake of these types of foods (e.g. butter, sausage, bacon, etc.) and instead focus on healthy fats such as olive oil, fish oil, nuts, etc.

The Atkins Diet has many positives and negatives that have been associated with it. Some ofrepparttar 115746 positives include:

Rapid Weight Loss - thoughrepparttar 115747 first couple of daysrepparttar 115748 majority of weight lost is water, your body does become more efficient at fat burning and you do lose fat.

Reduced Mood or Energy Swings - eating carbohydrates (especially sugary ones) can lead to mood and energy swings. This is often seen asrepparttar 115749 post-lunchtime or afternoon energy crash. When you eliminaterepparttar 115750 carbs, you eliminaterepparttar 115751 source of this problem.

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