Tips for Working with the Oppositional Child

Written by Sheree S. Marty, BSE, MA


Whether parent or teacher, we have all "been there" and "done that" with a child exhibiting refusal behaviors. Before "losing your cool" and your power as well, interventions and strategies are provided for use to help deescalate this classic power struggle.

-Avoid placing yourself in a stand-off situation withrepparttar child.

-Don’t “mark a line inrepparttar 150491 sand” unless prepared to follow through withrepparttar 150492 consequences on your own. Creating a demand situation….“You will sit in your seat or I will call someone to seat you”….will causerepparttar 150493 authority figure to lose his/her power. This is a main goal of oppositional children…personal control over their environment.

-Under a demand situation, especially with authority figures, an oppositional child will be more likely to escalate to extreme opposition. Stop talking. Giverepparttar 150494 child a chance to detach fromrepparttar 150495 situation with some power. Problem-solvingrepparttar 150496 situation when both parties are calm will prove more productive.

Dice - The Ultimate Educational, Portable Entertainment For Kids!

Written by Lindsay Small

How do you keeprepparttar kids amused forrepparttar 150433 long summer holidays? What do you do whenrepparttar 150434 inevitable rainy day blues strike and everyone gets fractious and argumentative? And how do you cope when you are forced to playrepparttar 150435 waiting game … in doctors' surgeries, airports, or even long car journeys?

Getrepparttar 150436 dice out! Dice games arerepparttar 150437 ultimate in quick and easy entertainment, withrepparttar 150438 added advantages of being cheap, portable and educational too! You can start playing dice with children as young as 2 ½, as long as you are sure that they are pastrepparttar 150439 stage of putting things into their mouths. And you will find that all ages up to grandparents are happy to join in.

I offer below three particularly quick and easy games, all of which can be played with children from aboutrepparttar 150440 age of 4 up. All you need are pencil and paper and dice - a maximum of 7, which you can probably find in existing game boxes aroundrepparttar 150441 house.

Beat That! You will need between two to seven dice, depending onrepparttar 150442 age ofrepparttar 150443 players. Rollrepparttar 150444 dice and put them in order to makerepparttar 150445 highest number possible. If you roll a 4 and a 6, for example, your best answer would be 64. Using three dice, a roll of 3, 5 and 2 should give you 532, and so on. Write down your answer, passrepparttar 150446 dice, and challengerepparttar 150447 next player to "Beat That!" Play in rounds and assign a winner to each round. For a change, try makingrepparttar 150448 smallest number possible! This is a great game for reinforcingrepparttar 150449 concept of place value.

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