Tips for Dating Success, Online and Off

Written by Stephanie Schwab

Dating, online or off, can be scary and frustrating. Follow these ten simple tips to help get you inrepparttar right groove – and off to a great start!

1. Be Confident Confidence, confidence, confidence! Nothing is more attractive than a person who is confident in their own skin. Once you are happy in your own skin and self-fulfilled, you will attractrepparttar 101432 matches you deserve, not justrepparttar 101433 ones you settle for. So relax and be your genuine self.

2. Be Interesting Readrepparttar 101434 newspaper and know what’s going on inrepparttar 101435 world. Current events are great conversation starters. Interesting conversation will attract others to start talking to you.

3. Increase Your Chances Don’t limit yourself by dating and approaching one type of person. Don’t pass on someone until you get to know them. Love happens atrepparttar 101436 most unexpected times withrepparttar 101437 most unexpected people!

4. Use Great Props Never leave your home without a prop -dogs, kids, unusual jewelry, a fabulous scent, a sweatshirt with your favorite passion, interesting ties, hats, or an interesting book or newspaper. Props can breakrepparttar 101438 ice and help in starting up a conversation.

59-60 and Waiting to Die?

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

What isrepparttar Saturn Return? I'mrepparttar 101431 nation's Saturn Return expert and I'm here to help you understand this all important period in your life. This is one of my missions in life. There is little in our culture that prepares us forrepparttar 101432 magnitude ofrepparttar 101433 Saturn Return and it consequences, not just immediately but for years to come. Sad but true, ifrepparttar 101434 first Saturn Return is not handled consciously,repparttar 101435 second one can be fatal! But read on ... there's an exciting alternative.

You see,repparttar 101436 Saturn Return isn't just for people between 28-30 years old. It is just as important when you have your SECOND Saturn Return. This occurs when you're between 58-60. I'm just as interested in reaching second Saturn Return people as I am those in their late twenties. Asrepparttar 101437 nation's Saturn Return expert, I want you to anticipaterepparttar 101438 amazing changes that can come between 58-60 that usher in a fruitful and meaningful new stage of life. And I really mean this. It isn't aboutrepparttar 101439 "golden years" of advertisements. It's about something genuinely pure gold ... something akin torepparttar 101440 metalrepparttar 101441 alchemists were looking for.

There is nothing in our culture that prepares us for this!! Many people between 58 and 60 are shoring themselves up with a stockpile of supplies, waiting to die. They surround themselves with provisions, people and other "evidence" of security for "old age". They turn life over to their kids -- ask them what's new and they tell you what their adult children are doing!! This is not living. This is waiting to die. Life is forrepparttar 101442 living. What about YOUR life? There will be new things onrepparttar 101443 other side of your second Return if you catchrepparttar 101444 wave.

You see,repparttar 101445 second Saturn Return is intended to welcome in perhapsrepparttar 101446 most exciting cycle of all, a new cycle,repparttar 101447 waning cycle. This is a cycle not of sitting around waiting to die but of GIVING BACK. I personally believe that mentoring becomesrepparttar 101448 #1 most significant and health affirming activity at this time in life.

My father mentored many people during his life. He was very successful in his career and a born teacher. He genuinely loved his work and he loved people. But there was one young man in particular he mentored intensely when he was in his late 50s and I remember thinking, "Why this is one ofrepparttar 101449 most meaningful relationships my father has ever had!" It was very inspiring for me to dorepparttar 101450 same and to look forward to that time in my life. I always have an apprentice and as I get older it becomes a rich experience. After all, our own kids don't want to listen to us anymore!!

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