Tips On Wearing And Removing Contact Lenses

Written by Lee Dobbins

As a new contact lens wearer, you have 2 main obstacles to get past – putting your lenses in and taking them out.

Sure, you practiced inrepparttar doctors office, but once you get in front ofrepparttar 138439 mirror by yourself it’s a whole different ball game!

I’ll never forget my first pair of contacts andrepparttar 138440 freedom they brought me. I picked them up atrepparttar 138441 doctors and he helped me put them in. I walked out of there like a new woman! Later that night, however, trying to get them out was a nightmare! I just wasn’t used to sticking my fingers in my eye and it took me more than ˝ hour to finally get them out. Byrepparttar 138442 time I was done, my eyes were all red and I swore I’d never wear contacts again! But of course I did and it soon got easier to take them out.

Like anything else, after a few days or weeks of practice, you will be quite comfortable with your contacts, but inrepparttar 138443 mean time, here’s some tips that might help you out.

Putting In Contact Lenses

Wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses. Make sure your hands are dry. Putrepparttar 138444 lens on your index finger and put a small drop of solution inrepparttar 138445 lens so that it sits inrepparttar 138446 bowl ofrepparttar 138447 lens – not too much so that it spills out andrepparttar 138448 lens flops over. Pull down your lower lid with your thumb and look up with your eye. Bringrepparttar 138449 lens torepparttar 138450 lower white part of your eye – it should slip right on your eye. Release your lower lid, blink and your lens should be in place. I find that sometimesrepparttar 138451 lens will want to stay on your finger instead of going on your eye. If this happens make sure your finger is very dry and try not to spillrepparttar 138452 solution out ofrepparttar 138453 “bowl” ofrepparttar 138454 lens as you bring it torepparttar 138455 eye.

No More Four Eyes

Written by Lee Dobbins

If you are sick of wearing glasses or fiddling with contacts, you should consider laser eye surgery.

Laser surgery to correct your vision is a well tested procedure but is not for everyone so do not enter into it lightly. Done as outpatient surgery, most people are back to their normal routines in a couple of days and some report improved vision upon wakingrepparttar next day!

There are a couple of procedures avaialbe and each has different recovery and vision improvement times - you should discuss each option with your doctor to find out which is best for your needs.

Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) isrepparttar 138438 most well known. In this procedure, a flap is cut inrepparttar 138439 cornea and then tissue is removed to reshape it. This surgery is fast and has a quick healing time of 2 days with immediate improvement in sight.

Photo Refractive Keratectomy (PRK) isrepparttar 138440 oldest ofrepparttar 138441 procedures. This surgery reshapesrepparttar 138442 cornea by removing cells fromrepparttar 138443 surface. The healing time is quite long – a month or more and there is a gradual improvement of vision over time.

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