If you are committed to low carb way of eating, but also craving some of your old comfort foods you may still be able to satisfy those cravings with a little bit of creative substitution. Some of foods that you used to know and love, have a low carb alternative available - taste might be a little bit different but you will soon get used to that and be well on your way to happier and healthier eating!Here’s some tips you can use to make your low carb cooking easier and tastier:
1. Make low carb bread crumbs for breaded foods. Foods like chicken Parmesan and stuffed peppers need to have a bread crumbs to have that full taste. While you may be able to buy low carb bread crumbs, you can also make them by using low carb bread. Simply toast low carb bread in oven on a cookie sheet. Once it is hard, grind it up in food processor or blender.
2. Use soy flour or bake mix. When you need to use flour for baking or coating breaded foods, substitute soy flour or a bake mix like Atkins bake mix. You can convert your favorite recipes that use white flour to use these.
3. Use low carb chocolate bars for cookies and muffins. Now that you’ve converted your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe using soy flour, you don’t want to put in those high carb chocolate chips. Chop up a low carb chocolate bar into small pieces and use that instead.