Time is Gold

Written by Kenia Morales

Time isrepparttar coin of your life. It isrepparttar 129208 only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. Carl Sandburg (1878 - 1967)

How do you spend most of your spare time? Do you sit in front ofrepparttar 129209 TV for hours? Do you speak onrepparttar 129210 phone for long periods of time? Do you sit outside and watch your neighbors come and go? Do you play computer games? I personally do not believe that any ofrepparttar 129211 activities I mentioned above are wrong. To maintain our sanity we must also have time to relax and socialize. However, when you allow any of these time consuming or addictive behaviors to take over your life then there is an imbalance and, it is most likely preventing you from engaging on other productive activities. An example of this is: When a teenager looses track of time playing video games and does not do his or her homework. If such a problem happens only once then it might not be a big deal. However, if this behavior continues then it might lead to failingrepparttar 129212 class. Not a good thing!

4 Steps to Assertive Communication

Written by Dr. Tony Fiore

“Dr. Fiore,” my 42 year old married patient (Mary) began, “once again my family expects me to host Christmas dinner and I am simply too exhausted; what should I do?”

“Why not tell them how you feel?” I asked.

“Because I don’t want to hurt their feelings – I always feel guilty if I don’t do what is expected of me.”

Lack of communication such as this among family members isrepparttar root of much conflict, hurt and misunderstandings any time ofrepparttar 129206 year, but especially duringrepparttar 129207 often stressful holiday season.

Mary’s dilemma is common: she wants to be a nice person and avoid conflict with family members. But, in doing so, she feels resentment and other negative emotions when she is overwhelmed or feels others are taking advantage of her.

Unfortunately, a failure to be direct and emotionally honest with people we love or care about can have long-reaching negative consequences. Failure to communicate often sendsrepparttar 129208 wrong message about you, what you need and how others should respond to you.

The Elephant In The Room

When you have unexpressed feelings towards another, it’s like you are sitting on a couch with an elephant between you.

Neither wants to acknowledgerepparttar 129209 elephant, but its existence acts as a barrier to real communication. Ultimately,repparttar 129210 elephant gets inrepparttar 129211 way of positive feelings between you andrepparttar 129212 other person.

Assertive Communication

Assertive communication isrepparttar 129213 art of speaking in a reasonable tone with good eye contact. It’s based on using “I” messages (as opposed to “you” or blaming messages) while clearly stating your needs, feelings and requests.

Assertive communications invite listeners to work toward mutually satisfactory resolution of problems or conflicts, without assigning blame or offense.

Assertive versus Offensive

Remember: you won’t offend people if you stick to communicating your feelings, as opposed to telling others what they should – or should not – do!

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