Time To Take A BreakWritten by Bob Osgoodby
Every once in awhile, I sit down at computer to write an article or copy for an ad, and nothing happens. A dozen or so, false starts later, a topic is finally decided on, and words just won't come. Only a paragraph or two gets written, and it's time to call it a day. Later, looking at what was done, I usually highlight it, and hit "delete" key.Other times, words flow as if from a "magic spring" and before I know it, article or ad is complete, but far too long. I try to keep articles around 700 words, as ones much longer seem to drag, and quickly loose readers interest. Effective ads should be four to six lines with 65 characters per line. Then comes painful task of trying to shorten it. But, you may think, everything is important, and you can't cut a word. But, you must, and will usually wind up with something that at least makes sense. Many people, who write copy advertising their product, have same problem. They feel they have to give every last detail about their offer in their ad. Nothing could be further from truth. You should try to give as much information as possible in shortest amount of space. I know this is difficult, but fact is that most people simply won't spend time reading a long ad. Don't worry about length at first. You should get all important points down first, and then try to shorten it. Do this for five or six ads. Then have someone, preferably someone who is not familiar with your product or service, read them. If you have six ads, have them rate them on a scale of one to six, with one being best in their judgement. Try to get others to do same type of rating. Be sure not to share ratings by other people who did this, until after current readers rating is complete. There may be a wide difference in ratings, but some pattern should show up. Take highest scoring ad, and run with it. If it draws business, leave it alone. Don't feel you have to tweak ad every time is published.
| | Can you really be successful online working at home?Written by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
There's no doubt that millions of people want to work at home, and that a substantial percentage of them are looking to Internet to provide them with means to do so. The question is, can Internet deliver what these people need to make working at home a viable alternative to traditional world of work?The answer is YES -- but only if certain crucial conditions are met. 1) Sell Value The problem with many people wanting to establish a home-based business is that they're not selling anything people really need to buy. Too often they're selling overpriced products or services provided by third-parties who themselves profit by signing up new independent contractors. This is not a viable success formula. To prosper in business, online or off, you must offer your prospects REAL VALUE; that is, you must offer them something that will improve their lives, something which is superior to what they can find locally, and which you can deliver at a competitive cost. If what you're selling doesn't meet these basic criteria, you are courting failure. 2) Have The Necessary Business-Development and Prospect Contact Tools Value is essential but value alone cannot build a successful online business. You must have certain critical tools, including * a domain. The only people who are succeeding online are those with their own domains. Without a domain you are essentially a squatter on someone else's cyber "land" and are at mercy of their business. If they go out of business, you automatically go out of business -- like it or not! Sadly, large numbers of people have discovered this too late! * a listserver. A listserver enables you to send unlimited non-spam e-mail. If you cannot do this, you cannot initiate and control necessary marketing to your prospects. * a Sales Manager. You need automated, personalized prospect lead follow-up. The Sales Manager provides it. * professional design. Web design is far too sophisticated nowadays to leave to inexperienced and amateur hands.