Time Management And How It Affects Your Kids

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

Last week I attended a presentation from Parenting Expert and well-known author, Stephen Biddulph on "Raising Boys". As I have an 11 year old son, I was interested to hear what Stephen had to say. In fact, so wererepparttar other 800 other parents inrepparttar 105112 room!

The key point that I picked up on was that boys fromrepparttar 105113 age of 6 -14 really need 'time' with their dads. That isrepparttar 105114 most influential period in their lives when they bond with him. Andrepparttar 105115 type of time they need is not all thrown into a once a week or month block or some exotic holiday once a year, they need to spend time with their sons on a regular basis. Otherwise how can you build a strong and stable relationship?

Forrepparttar 105116 single mums reading this, don't despair. If you are estranged from your partner and bringing up your son is your responsibility, having a positive male role model in his life ie. uncle, brother, grandfather teacher, tennis coach etc. will work as well.

What's happening in our society inrepparttar 105117 chase forrepparttar 105118 almighty dollar and in many instancesrepparttar 105119 big ego, our relationships are breaking down. People are totally dominated by their work and have little energy to invest in themselves and their families.

Planning Personal Time It's very interesting to note that every client I have coached … male or female, whether they arerepparttar 105120 business owner, director, executive or whatever title they hold, all haverepparttar 105121 same common goal... they want more time for their personal life.

They do not want to start work at 7.30 a.m. and return home at 7.00 p.m. They are committed and enjoy what they do, however they are not prepared to sacrifice their own relationships and wellbeing anymore. THE PRICE IS NOT WORTH IT!

You Can Turn Your Life Around And do you know whatrepparttar 105122 three key things you need to do to turn your life around? Learn to say 'no', how to manage your time and then take action.

That's right. Everyone tells you how busy and how little time they have, yet most people do nothing to learnrepparttar 105123 skills that will have a dramatic impact on their work and personal lives.

Nothing Happens Until Someone Sells Something

Written by Lorraine Pirihi

You can always tell a good salesperson, they are always onrepparttar look-out for opportunities to do exactly that. Every chance they get they'll promote whatever it is they offer. They are driven through their need to either make money, they're passionate aboutrepparttar 105109 goods and services they offer or both.

And for those of you who turn your nose up at people who 'sell' for a living, forget it! Everyone has to sell something. You wouldn't have a job if your company had nothing to offer. Every business has to sell something. Selling creates business. Sales creates economies. Imagine what would happen if your local supermarket had no stock to sell. They would go out of business and so would many other businesses who sell their products torepparttar 105110 supermarket. Heaps of people would be unemployed as there would be no reason for them to be at work. If you work in an education institution, what would happen if you didn't have courses to sell? There would be no need to employ anyone as you wouldn't make any money to runrepparttar 105111 organisation.

There is more to selling, than telling According to Michael Gross, parenting expert and well-known speaker, when you know who you are dealing with, you can dramatically increaserepparttar 105112 number of sales you make. Birth order knowledge gives you vital clues torepparttar 105113 approach you use and helps you increase your sales performance.

First borns If you are selling to first borns make your approach direct and torepparttar 105114 point in line with their direct, no-nonsense personalities. They like meat and potato type information to help them make a decision and they don't respond so readily torepparttar 105115 gloss and glitter of coloured brochures and other bells and whistles that can be used inrepparttar 105116 selling process. When selling to first borns tell them what your service or product will do for them rather than focus on features or fads.

Closing a sale to first borns is also tricky. First borns like to be in control so it is a mistake to back them into a corner. The "Now that you can seerepparttar 105117 benefits I shall just show you where to sign" approach won't work with many first borns. They are cautious and often like to take their time and consider their options. An attempt at a quick close can cause them to back off completely. First borns need to think that they are doingrepparttar 105118 buying rather than they are being sold to but that doesn't mean that you don't follow up with first borns. You may need to be very persistent with this group, as they like to take their time when they buy.

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